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Miliband leading Labour to destruction and certain election defeat

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The country did not select his party to govern the country. His party cannot command a majority alone. He was several dozen seats short of a comfortable win unfortunately and a mandate facilitated by the LibDems is quite different really and also unusual in our political system - there's really no point in pretending otherwise.


you seem to find it hard to grasp the idea of coalition governments that are perfectly legal in the UK's democracy. in fact most other countries rarely have single party governments.

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What should have happened then? Who should be in charge?


The Lib/Dems held talks with both Labour and the Tories before forming a coalition with the Tories. I wonder how much bleating there would be from these folks if they had supported Brown.


But non of this has any bearing on the thread which just goes to show how uncomfortable the labour supporters are at discussing Miliband's leadership.

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They can't have backed in sufficient numbers because he didn't win enough seats to form a majority. We don't have a PR system do we? Are you arguing for one?


you said numbers not seats, unless you are back tracking and saying you meant number of seats not number of votes.

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He has pretty much the same mandate as Angela Merkel. I think there are only a few who are sore that their party LOST the election that would still argue the point.


Not really. The German system is different to the UK one.


what happened in the UK in 2010 was pretty unusual really. Hopefully it won't happen again. The country would have been better served with the LibDems as part of an effective opposition - they're actually pretty good at it.

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Not really. The German system is different to the UK one.


what happened in the UK in 2010 was pretty unusual really. Hopefully it won't happen again. The country would have been better served with the LibDems as part of an effective opposition - they're actually pretty good at it.


Would your feelings be the same if Labour were running a minority government? Isn't being in government the best place to help control it?

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But non of this has any bearing on the thread which just goes to show how uncomfortable the labour supporters are at discussing Miliband's leadership.


one outcome from the 2010 election was that labour lost outright. no one can dispute this. the UK public sent them packing. they may have had trouble deciding who should replace labour, but one thing was certain, they didnt want labour in government anymore.

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Would your feelings be the same if Labour were running a minority government? Isn't being in government the best place to help control it?
Don't forget that the constituency boundaries are heavily biased to provide more seats for less votes in Labour's inner city wards. Funny how Labour redrew the map that way . . . . .


We've even had Labour in the past winning a comfortable majority of seats despite getting less votes nationwide than the Conservatives. Barking mad.

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The Lib/Dems held talks with both Labour and the Tories before forming a coalition with the Tories. I wonder how much bleating there would be from these folks if they had supported Brown.


But non of this has any bearing on the thread which just goes to show how uncomfortable the labour supporters are at discussing Miliband's leadership.


They didn't have to lock themselves into a full coalition for 5 years. We all know that wasn't the only option.


I'm not uncomfortable discussing Miliband. Said it many times on here that the Labour party is useless. I had some hopes that Miliband could make some impact. I stopped hoping very quickly. I don't think he'll lead the party into the next election.

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