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Miliband leading Labour to destruction and certain election defeat

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you seem to find it hard to grasp the idea of coalition governments that are perfectly legal in the UK's democracy. in fact most other countries rarely have single party governments.


Legal but rarely successful. Unfortunately.

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I think it would have been better to call another election. I would have preferred one party to be in charge, even if it was the Tories.


Has that ever been done before..what does the constitution say? Ii's not like we've never had a coalition in charge before..I don't see a problem with a coalition government..

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They didn't have to lock themselves into a full coalition for 5 years. We all know that wasn't the only option.



This is very true. I think what happened is that they chose to.



I'm not uncomfortable discussing Miliband. Said it many times on here that the Labour party is useless. I had some hopes that Miliband could make some impact. I stopped hoping very quickly. I don't think he'll lead the party into the next election.

I'm sure a power struggle in the party will help no end. It is one thing replacing the leader afterhe has lost an election and stepped down. It is a completely different thing replacing one who has been elected by the parties voting system and intends to lead them into the next election.

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Has that ever been done before..what does the constitution say? Ii's not like we've never had a coalition in charge before..I don't see a problem with a coalition government..


Had the Lib/Dems not found common ground with either of the main parties either Brown or Cameron could have attempted to govern with a minority government. It has been done before. It was up to Brown as he held the post of PM. However if neither major party could form a government the country would simply have gone back to the polls to try again.

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This is very true. I think what happened is that they chose to.



I'm sure a power struggle in the party will help no end. It is one thing replacing the leader afterhe has lost an election and stepped down. It is a completely different thing replacing one who has been elected by the parties voting system and intends to lead them into the next election.


Indeed. If they are going to have a power struggle they best start now to get it over with before 2015. Miliband will be got rid of but I'm worried about how long it will take and also the impact that will have on the quality of the opposition.

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