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Miliband leading Labour to destruction and certain election defeat

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I'm not so sure about that...it's always nice to be able to share the blame.. :) I can't understand why Labour and Milliband aren't streets ahead in the opinion polls...


An unexpected bonus I guess. A fag who can't bend over quick enough.

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Indeed. If they are going to have a power struggle they best start now to get it over with before 2015. Miliband will be got rid of but I'm worried about how long it will take and also the impact that will have on the quality of the opposition.

Oh, is there an Opposition party then? They kept that quiet, didn't they?

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I'm not so sure about that...it's always nice to be able to share the blame.. :) I can't understand why Labour and Milliband aren't streets ahead in the opinion polls...

I think you are right.


Is it because Miliband is a useless leader?

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I think a better way of putting it would be


'Succesive governments leading Britain to Destruction'


Never have we had such bad, innept and arguably corrupt Governments. The **** ups are wide and wondrous in their variety. Any person in the street could do a better job. And we are paying a fortune for this so called 'expertise.'

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I'm not so sure about that...it's always nice to be able to share the blame.. :) I can't understand why Labour and Milliband aren't streets ahead in the opinion polls...


They are not streets ahead because they are as culpable as the Tories for the mess we are in.

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