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Miliband leading Labour to destruction and certain election defeat

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I'm struggling to see how the other one could be any better. Although I suppose he couldn't be any worse.


He wasn't the unions favoured brother which is why he didn't get the job. Ed owes the unions for being leader and they are expecting payback.

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That is the funniest post I've read in years. Sadly I don't even think you believe a word of it either.


Perhaps you should read Len McCluskey's words in the OP, or the latest YouGov poll which has Miliband dropping below Clegg in the popularity stakes, and that was taken before Labour's latest economic policy U turn.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


You didn't like that did you ?

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There's no need for any spin. He didn't win. Kind of like missing the biggest open goal in history.


Why didn't he win? Why wasn't his party trusted enough?


There is always that question for the Tories. They really should have got an overall majority given how unpopular Gordon Brown's government was.


However, there are also questions to be asked as to why Labour are doing so badly against a government whose agenda is all about cuts and who include Nick Clegg as deputy prime minister.


Personally I don't buy into this idea that Ed Miliband is some sort of evil socialist monster out to bankrupt the whole country. However, I'm still not impressed with his leadership of Her Majesty's opposition.


He doesn't seem to stand for anything whatsoever other then getting elected. Maybe if Labour had some decent policies to rub together people might be more inclined towards them. As it is Labour are clearly drifting without any sense of direction.

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I always though it was the unions that got Miliband elected to the job of Labour leader.

They don't seem so sure that they got the right man for the job any more.




Ed Miliband has set Labour on a path towards "destruction" and "certain election defeat", the head of the UK's biggest union has warned the party.


Unite general secretary Len McCluskey made the comments after Labour's decision to support the government's pay freeze for public sector workers.


Mr McCluskey, whose union is Labour's biggest donor wrote in the Guardian that the decision undermined Mr Miliband's leadership.




Why are you so intrigued Penguinne, you live in France and vote Tory?

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