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Ron Paul wins nearly half of the young voters in new hampshire

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Its irelevant to the article though isnt it,how about the actual article and the fact he got almost half of the young to vote for him or will you keep trying to distract from it.let me guess;)


That flag does suggest a certain amount of bias though? :hihi:

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That flag does suggest a certain amount of bias though? :hihi:

Now come on there's nothing racist about a website which has "Outlaw Conservatism in Black Run Amerika" in the title, has a linkto a previous story of "Won’t You Be My (Black) Neighbor?", displays the Confederate Flag then quotes a secessionist, displays a White Supremist flag and quotes a segregationist.


Nor is there anything about a website which has comments saying things like:


"Romney is not the great white savior for the dispossessed majority in America,... We’re in a race war, but white people are still opting to do the fighting in the voting booth.


I just want to see a white man as president one last time before America inevitably breaks into a thousand little pieces. Just so it ends with a sliver of dignity."


"Romney is a white man…with a Black heart"


"One of the mostest funnest elements, for me, is that all the young folks, the young adults I know, wot have disdained my “racism”, can SEE what’s going on with stolen votes, etc. They are FUMING. Really – steam’s coming out of the ears. This is why we spread the word. This is why we plant seeds. In the right soil – man do those seeds sprout!"


"The long term trend is the hardening of white racial attitudes, the consolidation of the white electorate, and the total alienation of the white working class from the system.


No one in the entire country is more pessimistic and alienated than working class white men. Paul is tapping into that groundswell of sentiment."


"Denise’s First Commandment: That which makes Jews go screechy whiny mental is a Good Thing!"


"Don’t worry too much about the US Presidential election. This is the mistake White Americans always make – putting all of their hopes in some White knight savior who will somehow be elected President of the United States and somehow reverse history, make America like it was in the 1950s or maybe even the 1850s (Confederate lovers here on O.D.). The better strategy is to go local, get involved and control local politics and find ways to make things better for Whites where you live. Whites took back the US South at the local and state house level 2 years ago, this time under a White GOP. We need to find, train young White political leaders who are known and respected at the local level. I strongly suggest our own Hunter Wallace starts his own local political career in Alabama. America isn’t going to collapse in one big month, the country is too big. Look at Brazil and Brazilian cities – Philedelphia looks like safe Switzerland compared to San Paolo."


It would seem some people at least were reading all those racist Ron Paul Newsletters that he put out in the 80s and 90s.

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I am all for ron paul and hope he gets a good run, he just doesn't pussy foot around the issues and try to kiss everyones backside.


He might only ever get one term but if he does o boy will it be a good one.


Ron Paul for president!

:huh: Well he certainly seems to be 'pussy footing around" racial issues these days, a few years back he was an out and proud racist now he's parsing his words with extreme care and pretending to be a fan of the guy his newsletter accused of being a homosexual paedophile.

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No- read that as '...over federal rights'.

Know that the USA does not have a 'Government' as the word is used in the UK and Europe but an 'Administration'. States' Rights are essentially the bedrock of the USA. It's still sad that the 'wrong' side won in the USA Civil War. That was not about slavery, despite leftist propaganda claiming that it was, but about the Administration's right [union] to override State Legislatures [Confederates].

After you've finished explaining to all the historians how the civil war totally wasn't about slavery perhaps you should move onto those behind the delightful and in no way racist Ron Paul supporting website the op linked to as it has this to say about what the Confederates fought for:


"Here’s a short list of the most important defining characteristics of Southern civilization:


(1) Slavery – The “domestic institution” of African servitude (can’t recite the phrase without cracking a smile) existed in the Southern states in some discernible form or another (there is some dispute over exactly when indentured servitude evolved into chattel slavery) from 1619 until 1865.


The Southern states were “slave societies” like their counterparts in the Caribbean and Latin America. Unlike the Northern states, where slavery existed and was tolerated, African servitude was the foundation of the Southern social and economic system.


(2) Racial Feudalism – The Southern states were caste based societies like Rome or Sparta which were admired in Dixie as models of republican virtue. “Liberty” was meaningful in the South because it was a marker of the master caste which separated Whites from African-Americans.


(6) White Supremacy – White Southerners believed that African-Americans were a biologically inferior race. They believed that African-Americans lacked the racial capacity to participate in civilization as their social, civic, and political equals.


(7) Herrenvolk Democracy – In the Antebellum South, democracy meant that the White men of every state and community would make the important political decisions among themselves without consulting their dependents. Dixie was a White Man’s Country.


Southern Heritage: Defended


Why should Southern heritage be defended? Why is Southern heritage relevant in the 21st century?


There is a simple answer: the South was right, the North was wrong, and American civilization is literally being destroyed because the North won the argument. The triumph of the North over the South meant the triumph of anti-racism over race realism, integration over segregation, guilt culture over honor culture, racial equality over white supremacy, abolition over slavery, liberalism over conservatism, urbanization over agrarianism, consolidation over states’ rights, etc."

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Can I ask if your a democrat voter or a republican? if your in the Obama camp I can see why none of the above would get your vote or appeal to you.;)
I am in fact an independant, with a strong social conscience. What I stated is that none of these GOP men have what it takes to beat Obama. That's not to say there isn't another Reagan or Eisenhower in the wings worthy of consideration. People on SF have a right to comment on our elections, and I welcome them. But I, like any other American voter, have to live with my choices for at least the next four years. The Parliamentry System, right or wrong, permits the right to an election following a vote of no confidence in the party in power. Impeachment on the other hand is person by person and rarely used.
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Genuine question - is there any proof he put them out or even endorsed them?

The publications were called "Ron Paul Newsletter" "Ron Paul Political Report" and variations upon that for a reason, the reason being that his personal organisation put them out and it's not just one rogue newsletter either it's a whole series of publications over a span of many years.

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