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Whats to be scared of, "Coming out" nowadays ?

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This is all true and a not at all ridiculous post.


Real men don't like over exagerrated anything. Do you think Clint Eastwood would appreciate the finer points of a drag show - not a chance (he'd be up for a bit of gunslinging though).

Bruce Willis didnt wear a pink vest in Die hard did he? no, it was white (well, red after he'd been shot up a bit). Get that pinky finger in when your drinking a pint of best and no mincin' (except for mince pies).


Thank god we have real men on the forum to point these things out and save us all!!:hihi:

No idea if he likes drag shows but Eastwood seems to think homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals:


"Because what I really believe is, Let's spend a little more time leaving everybody alone. These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage? I don't give a **** about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of.


They go on and on with all this bull**** about "sanctity"—don't give me that sanctity crap! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."

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Do you really think you’re in a position to challenge my views by insulting me?


As far as I know, we’re all free to like or dislike aspects of the world around us. I don’t particularly like beetroot, but that doesn’t mean I have any bigoted hatred for red vegetables. I also said – quite unambiguously – that I have no problem with homosexuals unless they put on a display of behaviour which I find distasteful. It’s pretty rich calling me an idiot when all you’re doing here is attacking the poster instead of the post – doesn’t say a lot for your ability to deal with a discussion in a cogent, rational way.


And yes, I am in character. I made it quite clear that I have no problem with homosexuals who act normally. However, like most normal men, I am not comfortable with overt displays of camp or sexually-exaggerated homosexuality. That’s actually pretty usual for normal, honest, men rather than those who daren’t say what they genuinely think for fear of being handbagged by over-excited luvvies.




So you think homophobia is akin to a dislike of beetroot? interesting.


Ah right I am meant to agree with you! ok, I will try again.


Conrod spot on mate. I once punched a gay bloke for wearing excessive amounts of aftershave PLUS it wasn't BRUT he wore, so I had no choice. Flouting his gayness wearing some designer after shave. I wouldn't have hit him if he had acted normal and smelled of BO or Brut.................or old spice. I did take my sovs of before I hit him though and then I went and got a rabies shot. I didn't want to take a chance. Well said Conrod.

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