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Whats to be scared of, "Coming out" nowadays ?

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Is anyone really buying this act?


The op states he's gay then continues as though he's ranting like a bigoted 3rd party. You would have thought being "out of the closet" he wouldn't have to ask such questions...maybe even applying empathy, which is nil and void.


So no..I'm not buying it, just another "puff" rant.

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I can see a reason as well as a need for Gay Pride, however, I also understand why some people may wish to keep their sexuality under wraps. I don't go around declaring my sexual preferences publicly, however, the discrimination against gays led to the politicisation of homosexuality and gave birth to the movement.





so why is imran khan on your avatar:love::love::love:

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I know Muldoon personally and have been to his house on a few occasions .the question of his sexuality has never entered into any conversation, to me he is just a mate nothing more nothing less,Im straight ,he's gay ..so what


exactly my point. Thank you Glamrocker you are a good friend and thank you Plain Talker for your support


I have absolutely no problem with another person's sexuality, race, orientation, etc, Muldoon.


I have a couple of friends (well, one is more of an acquaintance, really) who are transgendered, but like GR says, I introduce them as "this is my friend X--" or "this is my friend Y--", Not "this is my friend the transsexual X..."


I don't like homosexuality. It sucks. Or - to put it another way - I'm buggered if I would be an homosexual.


I'm not sure whether my aversion to homosexuality or some other factor (a genetic factor, perhaps?) dissuades me from the practice of homosexuality - nor do I care.


I don't like homosexuality. I don't like turnips, either.


I don't dislike homosexuals. I have a number of friends/acquaintances who I know to be homosexual (and probably a few who I don't know to be homosexual) and I enjoy their company.


I have a few (very few) real friends - and a number of acquaintances whose company I enjoy. 'Sexual preferences' don't even come into the equation when I choose my friends/acquaintances or they choose me.


I grew up in a society where homosexuality was illegal and the penalties were (apparently) severe!


We had no queers! Being a queer was against the law and you could go to jail if you were a queer!


We probably had about the same proportion of homosexuals to heterosexuals as you did, but because homosexuality was illegal and we were a small (and friendly and tolerant) society and they were doing no harm we had no queers!


They didn't have to worry about 'coming out' because they were never 'in'.


There were people who lived a 'different lifestyle' (a lifestyle which was proscribed by law) but nobody gave a damn. Some people are different and in a 'free' society, you have to accept that some people are different.


When I first came to England (late 1960s) I was amazed by the hatred I saw expressed toward homoxuals.


Yes, there are homosexual predators but I suspect they comparatively rare. so rare that they do not constitute a significant threat. (When I was a mere callow youth of 18 I was 'rescued' from a London train station by such a person and he did subsequently try to assault me. His mistake. I didn't do him any permanent damage, but I was buggered if I was going to be buggered.


Most homosexuals I've met are just ordinary people. Some are better, a few are worse. Sexual preferences are (unless I [or they] want to enter into a sexual relationship) totally irrelevant.

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I'm not sure how old your children are, but in the last few years "gay" as meaning "not good", "not 'in'", and applied to many things other than children, has arisen without the children (primary) being aware of the meaning of the word with regard to the homosexual community.


Yes, they usually become aware of the adult usage as they get older, including through classes and peers, but it caught me by surprise when I first learnt of this 'non-sexual' use.




I do find it intresting how that word as evovled over the years from when the it was used by the french in 19 century paris slang "gai" to describe some one as unfortunate as being "gai " and now when some thing is crap its "really gay".


why did homosexuals latch on to that word to identify themselves with :huh:

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Why? It's because some people still have brains the size of a peanut, and think that gay people, (or women, or disabled people, or people with a different coloured skin, etc, etc) are "subhuman".




I totaly agree ,btw would you know if its safe to come out in muslim countrys at the moment.

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why did homosexuals latch on to that word to identify themselves with :huh:


Buggered if I know.


Does it matter?


My friend (my next-door neighbour) was very upset by the mis-appropriation of the word.


Her name was Gay and she told me "I'm really pi88ed off! I'm not queer, I'm a Lesbian!"


The names they choose are up to them and I do not pretend to understand their choices (nor do I give a damn.)


If 'Gay' means 'homosexual' why is there a group called 'LGBT'?


If Lesbians are also Gay, why isn't it just Gays, Bicycles and Tricycles?

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Ok I'm gay, so what ? but there are friends of mine (some on here) that are still scared of 'Coming out' ? I dont understand why in todays world where same sex marriages or legal partnerships are allowed. Why is it that there are still those that are not proud of who and what they are ?? Is it because they are afraid of the stigma of being called a 'Puff ?' or just plain fear ? :huh:


There is religious girl at work who wouldn't like you, it seems to be just mostly religious people who have a problem with your sexuality.

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