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Whats to be scared of, "Coming out" nowadays ?

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I simply cannot believe anyone has a problem with anyone else's sexuality.


I mean, it just does not concern anyone but whoever you're being intimate with. There's absolutely no need to be revolted by it.


I mean, there are some really twisted acts out there, but I'm not revolted by them. Sure, they're not my cup of tea but it's not like I have to do any of them or watch them being done.


The whole 'it disgusts me' thing is simply unfathomable!


I have a theory.

The more closseted these individuals are the more hairy chested they feel they must act.


"If that puff puts his thing anywhere near me ill chop it off"


Could easily be replaced with


"if that puff puts his thing near me, ill probably enjoy it but i wont let on that i did":hihi:

Well thats my theory anyway.

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Are you posting in character? Is your character an idiot? If so you have really nailed that dense, bigotted, narrow minded and ignorant character.

If this is for real, then you have issues. You need help.


Watch out if straight bashing becomes popular conrod as I think you might be targeted as you clearly are a suped straight male, who despises gay men, but doesn;t mind pretty lesbians getting it on as long as they let you watch. Or are you really hiding something about your sexuality and you despise gay men as there is a part of you that is unsure about your sexuality that you have to push down and you hate yourself but externalise these feelings.


Or maybe you are just a prat. It is a tricky one


Dont do it. I mean c'mon, he probably deserves the tongue lashing but chucking insults around wont achieve anything other than deleted posts and locked threads.

Trust me, ive had enough forum holidays to know of what i speak.

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No. I don't think the OP is really gay. I think he's pretending to be as it suits his wider purpose.


You seem pretty damn sure about your aspersions to my sexuality Mr Halibut, I have never met you to my knowledge, so how the hell can you say that I am not infact Gay? What is this "wider purpose" that you speak of ? Please enlighten me. :huh:

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Dont do it. I mean c'mon, he probably deserves the tongue lashing but chucking insults around wont achieve anything other than deleted posts and locked threads.

Trust me, ive had enough forum holidays to know of what i speak.


There is no way this man is for real so I don't think he will take offence.

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Are you posting in character? Is your character an idiot? If so you have really nailed that dense, bigotted, narrow minded and ignorant character.


If this is for real, then you have issues. You need help.


Watch out if straight bashing becomes popular conrod as I think you might be targeted as you clearly are a suped straight male, who despises gay men, but doesn;t mind pretty lesbians getting it on as long as they let you watch. Or are you really hiding something about your sexuality and you despise gay men as there is a part of you that is unsure about your sexuality that you have to push down and you hate yourself but externalise these feelings.


Or maybe you are just a prat. It is a tricky one

Do you really think you’re in a position to challenge my views by insulting me?


As far as I know, we’re all free to like or dislike aspects of the world around us. I don’t particularly like beetroot, but that doesn’t mean I have any bigoted hatred for red vegetables. I also said – quite unambiguously – that I have no problem with homosexuals unless they put on a display of behaviour which I find distasteful. It’s pretty rich calling me an idiot when all you’re doing here is attacking the poster instead of the post – doesn’t say a lot for your ability to deal with a discussion in a cogent, rational way.


And yes, I am in character. I made it quite clear that I have no problem with homosexuals who act normally. However, like most normal men, I am not comfortable with overt displays of camp or sexually-exaggerated homosexuality. That’s actually pretty usual for normal, honest, men rather than those who daren’t say what they genuinely think for fear of being handbagged by over-excited luvvies.

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However, like most normal men, I am not comfortable with overt displays of camp or sexually-exaggerated homosexuality.


Well that's fine, be uncomfortable as much as you want, no-one cares about your comfort. If I was gay and came across someone like you I'd be as camp as possible. :)

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Do you really think you’re in a position to challenge my views by insulting me?


As far as I know, we’re all free to like or dislike aspects of the world around us. I don’t particularly like beetroot, but that doesn’t mean I have any bigoted hatred for red vegetables. I also said – quite unambiguously – that I have no problem with homosexuals unless they put on a display of behaviour which I find distasteful. It’s pretty rich calling me an idiot when all you’re doing here is attacking the poster instead of the post – doesn’t say a lot for your ability to deal with a discussion in a cogent, rational way.


And yes, I am in character. I made it quite clear that I have no problem with homosexuals who act normally. However, like most normal men, I am not comfortable with overt displays of camp or sexually-exaggerated homosexuality. That’s actually pretty usual for normal, honest, men rather than those who daren’t say what they genuinely think for fear of being handbagged by over-excited luvvies.


This is all true and a not at all ridiculous post.


Real men don't like over exagerrated anything. Do you think Clint Eastwood would appreciate the finer points of a drag show - not a chance (he'd be up for a bit of gunslinging though).

Bruce Willis didnt wear a pink vest in Die hard did he? no, it was white (well, red after he'd been shot up a bit). Get that pinky finger in when your drinking a pint of best and no mincin' (except for mince pies).


Thank god we have real men on the forum to point these things out and save us all!!:hihi:

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Thank god we have real men on the forum to point these things out and save us all!!:hihi:


Yeah, and if us real men doing our really normal things appear to be in a complete minority in the types views we express, that is because people who are as normal as us are a very rare thing these days.

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Real men don't like over exagerrated anything. Do you think Clint Eastwood would appreciate the finer points of a drag show - not a chance (he'd be up for a bit of gunslinging though).

Bruce Willis didnt wear a pink vest in Die hard did he?


What on earth are you on about?


Are you seriously arguing that Bruce Willis in Die Hard isn't ridiculously over the top and exaggerated? yippie-kai-yay?


Literally everything about those films is over the top and exaggerated. You picked a really bad example.


And Clint Eastwood films are the height of realism are they?


'Men don't like over exaggerated things' absolute nonsense, you'll need to find a different excuse for your homophobia.

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