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It just gets worse for Miliband as GMB considers withdrawing support.

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i cant see the unions leaving labour though as much as i despise labour who are the unions going to fund to keep any sort of power ? , the lib dems ? no chance, the conservatives ? below zero chance, the greens ? what would be the point.



the unions were in this situation around 100 years ago and founded the labour party. they could do the same again....


we need a centre-left party with none of the neo-liberal-con rubbish that has polluted the other three parties, something like the original SDP.

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the unions were in this situation around 100 years ago and founded the labour party. they could do the same again....


we need a centre-left party with none of the neo-liberal-con rubbish that has polluted the other three parties, something like the original SDP.


hmmm possibly , now that labour have spat on the working mans vote their could be room for another party i suppose, but i think it would have to be centre right, labour and lib dem have a monopoly on the left wing.

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And thats what the current Goverment are doing although some think theres an alternative :)


There is an alternative.


It's fine to trim back dead wood but it needs to be accompanied by growth. We don't have the growth that the Tories said would happen. Osborne's belief in magical growth will go down as one of the most naive political miscalculations.

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There is an alternative.


It's fine to trim back dead wood but it needs to be accompanied by growth. We don't have the growth that the Tories said would happen. Osborne's belief in magical growth will go down as one of the most naive political miscalculations.


so whats the alternative, that was just an anti tory rant ???

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so whats the alternative, that was just an anti tory rant ???


It wasn't a rant.


The alternative is a carefully targeted programme of efficiency savings and cuts accompanied by a genuine plan for economic growth.


The Tories didn't think the growth plan was needed. They could not have been more wrong. A massive and naive blunder.

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milliband is a deadleg, a no mark, a sh** house - if you want to vote for a policy of economic destruction where working people are charged for the failure of the city, where cancer patients lose support while bankers share £7 billion, where the PM takes a massive tax free inheritence and nurses face pay cuts, then vote tory, vote libdem, don't vote at all - accept that the rich and the powerful have the answers and take what comes - there is now no real political alternative - it doesn't matter if milliband is in power, it matters whether people have a fair share of the cake and a fair share of the power.

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milliband is a deadleg, a no mark, a sh** house - if you want to vote for a policy of economic destruction where working people are charged for the failure of the city, where cancer patients lose support while bankers share £7 billion, where the PM takes a massive tax free inheritence and nurses face pay cuts, then vote tory, vote libdem, don't vote at all - accept that the rich and the powerful have the answers and take what comes - there is now no real political alternative - it doesn't matter if milliband is in power, it matters whether people have a fair share of the cake and a fair share of the power.


He does seem to have suddenly adopted every policy that he claimed to be against. I don't know what the labour supporters think of it all because they were berating the Tories for the same policies that miliband has now adopted.

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He does seem to have suddenly adopted every policy that he claimed to be against.


Every Labour leader comes to that in the end, once they realise that the policies they originally wanted to implement invariably lead to disaster, and more often not that comes in the form of electoral disaster for their own party.


Well, either that or they resign. Michael Foot resigned.

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