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Sleep experiments..

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How much sleep do you actually need? its a question I often ask myself. So I've been doing experiments, at the moment Im doing a 'get up early, go to sleep early' thing and its really good. I find I need 5/6 hours not the usual 8 and I feel fine for a while.


The only thing is after 3 or 4 days of this pattern, I feel really tired in the afternoon, like I need a nap.


I was reading this maybe should be a 'poly-phasic' sleep pattern, sleeping 4 or 5 hours at night with a 90 minute nap in the afternoon, however you stay are meant to stay up really late, like till 2.30am and be prodcutive till then.


The issue is sleeing for 90 minutes during the day, its kind of tough,

Imagine having another 3 or 4 hours productive time though? be pretty useful...

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Poly-phasic sleep is genrally- sleep for 20mins, get up and stay up for 4 hrs, then repeat the cycle (alarm clock necessay).


So total sleep/day is around 2hrs.


Generally considered unsustainable unless you're really committed.


Steve Pavlini has an extensive blog on his experiences with it here-




Aparently he ran it successfully for several months before ending the experiment.


A much less extreme form is bi-phasic? sleep i.e. sleep for 5/6 hrs a day and then a nap in the afternoon/evening- which I think you're emulating, but you're missing the later nap, hence why you're bodies telling you to nap.


I tend to follow the bi-phasic pattern- it works very well for me.

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  • 1 month later...

I do care. But I trying to get the message out. If people were to come forward then we would obviously get to know them and want to find out more about them. This is just the initial message. I have only posted it 8 times and everyone is complaining but really Im just trying to get somewhere with this. Sorry to offend.

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I do care. But I trying to get the message out. If people were to come forward then we would obviously get to know them and want to find out more about them. This is just the initial message. I have only posted it 8 times and everyone is complaining but really Im just trying to get somewhere with this. Sorry to offend.


It's fine for me, but the post you made was clearly just a copy and paste job, which I suspect wouldn't fill people with the confidence you were asking of them.


Good luck!

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Well you wouldn't personally invite everyone to a party with a special invite so why would I send out hundreds of personalised emails. All I have done is tried to put some feelers out on a forum and so far everyone has just complained that I have posted anything more than once. Sorry, if anyone would like to tell us their story we would love to hear but can people stop complaining about me posting more than once. You are just wasting everyones time.

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Well you wouldn't personally invite everyone to a party with a special invite so why would I send out hundreds of personalised emails. All I have done is tried to put some feelers out on a forum and so far everyone has just complained that I have posted anything more than once. Sorry, if anyone would like to tell us their story we would love to hear but can people stop complaining about me posting more than once. You are just wasting everyones time.


I'm not complaining about you posting more than once or suggesting you send 'personalised emails'


I was offering you some advice - advice that a copy and paste of a letter you presumably sent to sleep clinics was not appropriate for use on a forum where people post about themselves, rather than their patients.


However, you seem to missed the point of this entirely - or have made no attempt to understand it in the same way that you have not thought about the message you posted.


Hope the project goes well.

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Sorry, I didn't actually notice that I had copied the wrong section in until you just said it.


That reply about complaining wasn't really aimed at you but I have already had three comments saying that I was spamming when I honestly didn't think I was.


For anyone that is interested we would love to hear your stories about any sleep conditions. We would obviously treat it all with respect and if you didn't want your face to be shown then we could work around this. We are students and it is a documentary so we would not be paying you for your help incase it changed your reasons for doing the doc. Hopefully one of you won't feel offended by my comments and come forward and help us with our project.



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Sorry, I didn't actually notice that I had copied the wrong section in until you just said it.


That reply about complaining wasn't really aimed at you but I have already had three comments saying that I was spamming when I honestly didn't think I was.


For anyone that is interested we would love to hear your stories about any sleep conditions. We would obviously treat it all with respect and if you didn't want your face to be shown then we could work around this. We are students and it is a documentary so we would not be paying you for your help incase it changed your reasons for doing the doc. Hopefully one of you won't feel offended by my comments and come forward and help us with our project.




I am interested in participating, but who is the OP- TJC1 or Everooney?? Have i missed something?

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I was in the army for years and sleeping to the army is a waste of time,I can fall asleep anywhere and sleep anywhere lights on or off, basically sleep on a cloths line,but if left to sleep I can sleep for 12 or 13 hours non stop snoring like a pig,when I go to bed I am asleep with in seconds thunder and lightning and a bomb going off will not wake me when I am asleep,the kids used love painting my face and putting make up on me when I fell asleep on the sofa,I once fell asleep at a job interview,but the funny thing is if I have to get up early I can wake up without an alarm and on time.

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