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Gaza Activist Stabbed After Exposing Hamas Use of Human Shields

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I beg to differ, they probably want ever occupying Jew dead, but they lived in peace together pretty much OK at one time.


'living in peace', only in an Arab dominated polity, where Jews were second class citizens and without equal rights under the law. And which regularly gave rise to pogroms and anti-Jewish repression, just as bad as anything that happened in Europe in those centuries. Here, in the Jewish homeland, Israel.


what the Arabs have a problem with is the notion of Jewish self determination. They can't get their heads round it. They're fine with giving Jews 'licenses', to build synagogues and worship, but when Jews say sod off we want something that's our right in our own land, and not your - the Arab invader and the colonisers - gift, they get upset about it. Ultimately the Arabs think that the correct position for the Jews in the Middle East, is for them to be under what they think of as being their benevolent control. Most Jews would beg to differ that this control is benevolent at all. In fact precisely the opposite.

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It would be nice to hear the opinions of those who support the Palestinian issue comment on this thread, but I doubt if they will.....:)
Frank have you heard of the book I posted about earlier ? I think you would enjoy it 'Son of Hamas' its about 6 quid paper back, I got someone to get it for me at Christmas and found it one of the most interesting books I have ever read.
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Well, you did actually. Your reaction was a derailing tactic "but what about X".. The topic is Hamas stabbing a guy for telling the truth, it isn't about X.


Mmmm. Interesting opinion.




Believe it or not, the person who starts the post writes the title and sets the topic.


Are you suggesting that is not the case OWD?


Now that's an interesting opinion.

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I notice you put a lot of Pats video's up, have you just discovered him or he some sort of hero of yours ? :)



He's an hero of mine. I found him on a link through Richard Dawkins site. He talks a lot of sense. Its a pity he's not involved in politics in some way, he'd get my vote every time...

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