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Health and Safety Rules Involving Care Of The Elderly.What a Disgrace.

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I disagree. She isn't a carer but a warden and an emergency response team member. As far as I am aware they just assess the situation. After the info she gave two carers turned up. Not one, two. Possibly because two were needed. To compound it she said she'd do the same again at a hearing presumably after being told why she shouldn't do it again. If she had any thing like a case she would have gone to an employment tribunal by now, not the tabloids.


What's mote tragic is the state the old lady was in the first place. The council gave bigger questions to ask.

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Care workers who injure patients by lifting them never start out meaning to do harm, the harm usually comes about when they ignore previous moving and handling assessments. This elderly lady would have been assessed and a plan of action put in place to decide which was the safest way to move her.


Sue Angold, the woman who was suspended wouldn't have been aware of any of the lady's requirements, if it was safe to try to move her by herself so she really shouldn't have moved her.


I think that sacking her is harsh though. It is reported that she has complained about the care agency's standards in the past and it wouldn't surprise me that they are using this error in judgement as an excuse to sack Sue Angold.


Another thing that has come up which for me is just as serious incident as that it appears that the woman had been requesting help since early morning, but nothing had been done, but nothing had been done until Sue Angold arrived at late afternoon. It's also reported that sealed meals on wheels containers were laying around in the property.


So it seems that a much more important issue arrises over the standards of the councils care rather than Sue Angold's error in judgement.


Yes,well on further reading i would certainly question Sue Angold's judgement on representing herself at the Tribunal enquiry and not engaging a Solicitor,

she might have been to over-confident in that regard.I would think that was why she was unpopular with her superiors when she had previously complained about poor services to the residents.

As to the the error in judgement regarding the service to the client,it seems she could not find the care-plan file in the home.I believe in that situation (taking into account her nursing experience) she acted humanly and i praise her for that.

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Whatever happened to common sense?


The legal profession did. Law firms are rewarded (financially) for encouraging every man and his dog to sue every other man and his dog. Hey-presto, welcome dysfunctional society, good-bye common sense.


I wonder if we could collectively sue the law companies for having a net negative effect on society?

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Whatever happened to common sense?.....

The legal profession did. Law firms are rewarded (financially) for encouraging every man and his dog to sue every other man and his dog. Hey-presto, welcome dysfunctional society, good-bye common sense.


I think the realisation that common sense was a lot less common than realised also played a part, but you're right in that it was the legal and insurance professions which took us from having to be made to sit through a lecture to tell us not to hold knives by the sharp bit to having to sign 5,000 forms, wear safety gear, and replaced the knives with lumps of polystyrene to do the same job.


The best bit of it all has been the marketing of their new found money tree, by getting everyone to blame it on the Government being hand-holding nannys with billions of draconian laws.

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