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Alan Johnson says unions are delusional & returning us to the 1970s

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The Union movement is "delusional" and risk returning Britain to tough times more akin to the 1970s, Alan Johnson said in a furious retaliation against Ed Miliband's critics. The former Home Secretary launched the angry rebuttal as he backed the Labour leader against a string of high profile complaints from unions.


The MP's intervention came after senior figures vented their anger over his decision to embrace austerity measures and suggested that financial support for the party could be withdrawn.




Well I admire someone who is prepared to stand up for what is best for the country rather than appease the paymasters.

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Long live unions!!
Ah yes, long live unions.

Especially when they elevate under-educated shop stewards way beyond their intellectual ceiling to senior positions, empowering them to really bugger up British industry by making insane demands and encouraging strike action due to their utter inability to understand business or economics, less of course what the glean from the Mirror, Socialist Worker, or the bar at their local working men's club.

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