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Alan Johnson says unions are delusional & returning us to the 1970s

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great i cant wait for the 3 day week :hihi: mind you id love the closeness it would bring us as humans .there would be no telly/internet/mobile phones,so the family would have to sit around candles and actually talk to each other :hihi::hihi::hihi: bring it on


I suppose that says it all really. Unions who could and did bring the country to a standstill. I expect that is why Thatcher privatised the ports, privatised coal, privatised power generation and got rid of our reliance on power and fuel from the UK.

When folks think it great to bring the country to a standstill and hold us to ransom they will quickly realise how little support their cause actually has.

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I suppose that says it all really. Unions who could and did bring the country to a standstill. I expect that is why Thatcher privatised the ports, privatised coal, privatised power generation and got rid of our reliance on power and fuel from the UK.

When folks think it great to bring the country to a standstill and hold us to ransom they will quickly realise how little support their cause actually has.

yes and look how much were paying for it now because we are held to ransom by these foreign companies :hihi::hihi: yea good old maggie :huh:
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Ooh, lets all bash the unions.


I imagine all those who seem to hate and loathe unions will be refusing their above National Minimum Wage pay tomorrow. They'll be working the weekends, not taking paid holidays, not having a bank holiday, not working under infinitely safer conditions than in the past etc etc


Amazing how people who have benefited from the actions of unions in the past see fit to slag them off now.


And before we get the usual bleating about public service unions not being interested in private sector workers I give you Unilever. Attempting to renege on contracts and screw their workers over their contractual pension rights.


So come on all you Union bashers, put your money where your great gobbing holes are and give up the rights fought for you by unions in the past. Bet you won't will you. Blowhards.

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Ah yes, long live unions.

Especially when they elevate under-educated shop stewards way beyond their intellectual ceiling to senior positions, empowering them to really bugger up British industry by making insane demands and encouraging strike action due to their utter inability to understand business or economics, less of course what the glean from the Mirror, Socialist Worker, or the bar at their local working men's club.


These shop stewards are educated in union matters,but may not be au fait with the history of Mongolian pottery or the poetry of Thomas Hardy.They understand that businesses are fundementally exploitative of workers customers and even suppliers-something you either do not realise or have chosen to ignore.Many union leaders are Fabians and teetotal so please desist from the working mens clubs as you sound like an embittered octogenarian.

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What was so bad about the 70's?

I had a load of money, travelled the world, met my wife and had our first child.

Then the fools of this country were led by the nose, by Murdoch.

They voted Thatcher in, and the country went to the dogs.

She destroyed it completely and utterly, and still some fools think she did a good job.

She is responsible for the position you find yourselves in today.

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I've removed a number of posts for bickering. Some bringing in issues from other threads. Can you please stick to the topic and post more respectfully.



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