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Romanian Big Issue seller given legal right to claim housing benefit

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£490 a week, plus Big Issue (sellers are broadly acknowledged to make £100 plus a week, let alone what extra they might gain in tips). So call it £600 a week she gets her grubby sponging immigrant mitts on. £31,200 a year - you'd need to be earning close to £50k before tax to take that home without benefits.



Isnt the E U great.;)

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so would this also apply to a british person earning £100 a week as a self employed person, and be able to claim similiar benefits ?


When I was looking for a new job, but was living with my parents with my 2 children until I sorted myself out, I went to the Jobcentre. They did a 'Better off calculation' and advised me to only get a job between 16-20 hours, which paid minimum wage, which at that time I think was £5.80 per hour. I would earn approximately £100-120 per week from work, then get that basically doubled in working tax credits. I would get my child benefits of approximately £30.

She added that since I was living with my parents, it didn't count, but had I wanted to claim housing and council tax benefits, I would still have approximately 90-95% of them paid, which for a 2 bedroomed house would amount to around £100 per week at that time.

If one of my children had been disabled, or I had another 2 children like the woman in the article has, no doubt that I would have been getting something close to the amounts she gets, so yes, it applies to British people too :)

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You said yourself she 'needs' to earn £50k to be free of the benefit system.


She is entitled to housing benefit just as much as anyone else. She is working. But she doesn't earn enough to cover rent.

I know people who earn less than half that but choose not to claim benefits. She is a parasite.
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It’s not really her faults it’s our idiotic governments that allow it.
In part, yes, our beenfits system is insanely generous - but the larger issue in this particular case is us having to bow to EU pressure to open our borders to these people.
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In part, yes, our beenfits system is insanely generous - but the larger issue in this particular case is us having to bow to EU pressure to open our borders to these people.


This is what they do with the money they sponge off us.


The Romanian gypsy who lived luxury lifestyle with £113,000 benefits stolen from British taxpayers



In the week a gang of Romanian gypsies was jailed for an £800,000 benefits fraud, Sue Reid reveals the loophole in British law that allows taxpayers' money to be funnelled into a gaudy mansion and BMWs back in the East.
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