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Pregnancy tens machines!!

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In my opinion they don't work too well, I had one with my first 2 labours.....long story .


Gas and air is the best thing ever, my 3rd baby came into the world after 20 mins with just 4 pushes. Mind you I was as high as a kite and ended up asking the lady who gave me the couple of stitches (he was 8lb2) to make me a virgin again, she answered "after 3 children Mrs F I think that's an impossible task"....I didn't care I had the gas and air! Ooh there's a poem there somewhere!


Seriously though, I hope all goes well, just go with the flow...childbirth isn't an exact science x

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I've only ever used gas and air myself, with all 3, but were very quick labours. 4 hours, 90 mins, and then 3 hours but the last one had to be induced and wasn't ready to come out. With the last, the midwife said I was only 7cm, and insisted I have a shot of morphine for my back pain, which I did, but then my baby arrived 2 minutes later, I laugh in the face of having to wait until 10cm :hihi: The morphine just made me sick and really sleepy for a day afterwards, so I wouldn't advise that either, I can't really tell you what morphine does for the pain, it didn't have chance to kick in.

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Oh I hated it!! I used one during my second labour and it was awful. I found when my contraction subsided and I didn't instantly turn it off it was almost worse than the pain of the contraction. I'm pregnant again and certainly won't be using one this time. I've only ever coped with gas and air really as I had an epidural with my first and I hated that too.

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I think that a TENS machine works to some degree during early labour as a diversion to mild pain. Anything short of gas and air or an epidural for established labour just doesn't cut the mustard in my opinion.

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