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Most Over rated DJ's in Sheffield


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crikey.... the dj arguement again!!!! (im guessing your struggling to get a gig ron)


i think you have all the answers here ron, who do you think is over-rated....and how exactly do you rate them?


I left the sheffield circuit a couple of years ago, when i used to turn up at gigs and find that all the dj'd had the same records in their bags..... i agree there is some **** out there..... but there is some talent too

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Originally posted by Ronsize

I have been thinking about this for a while. Many nights seem to have the same DJ's on and up & coming DJ's don't always seem to get a chance.


Who would you say are the most over rated DJ's in Sheffield?


Surely with a name like Ron Size you can get gigs anywhere... Or has the bottom fallen out of the soulful D&B market since you won the Mercury prize??


Or are you not a small bloke from Bristol who used to have dreads & play ace breaks?

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Not even going to comment - im sure the dj's on here (myself included) would rather let our work speak for itself.


However Ronsize, if you are looking for gigs, im sure there are some of us that would be happy to put some work your way - assuming that you are a dj and are any good (we would want to see you at work to make sure)


Silly season is now upon us and im turning down jobs left right and centre...if only I was a clone :D

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This was more of a post to see if my thoughts were the same as others.


I'm not after gigs, i used to DJ but gave up about 2 years ago coz I lost interest (and I wasn't good enough!).


All I notice is that some of the house nights I go to tend to have the same people playing at them. There seems to be a lot of a#se kissing that go's on and in my opinion a lot of new talent never seems to get a chance. Maybe thats the way things are done on the circuit?


I seem to have touched a raw nerve with a few people? Don't know why? It was a fair question in my opinion?

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