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Downs Syndrome child refused Holy Communion

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As Rupert Baehr pointed out, the church has said the child is "Not yet ready". I wonder if there are other children, without Downs Syndrome, but maybe other learning and concentration difficulties who get similar letters? I'm guessing there would be.


I'm sure there have been.


I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that those children whose parents were not practising Catholics were told that their children would not be making their first Holy Communion either.


There are arguments 'for' church-run schools and there are arguments 'against'. This case makes an argument against.


I narrowly escaped being sent to a Catholic primary school - the Convent which ran it moved (big sigh of relief at the time ;)) but the secondary school I attended although not 'church run' was heavily influenced by the Church of England. (The Bishop of Winchester holds the post of 'visitor' and the chairman of the board of governors is a 'Very Reverend'.)

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Come to think of it, now you've mentioned Catholic schools, my cousin has autism. My Aunt's husband is a Catholic, and all their children were christened in the catholic church, and my Aunt had a baptism aged 30. My eldest cousin, who is the autistic child, has not had a holy communion, but his brother who is a year younger has. I'm not sure who's choice it was for him to not have a communion. Their younger sister is having her's next year.

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On the news earlier it was said the parents hadnt prepared fully for the lads communion. The mum said "we dont go to church every sunday, we dont have time".


If the communion of a seven year old means so much to them they go whining to the press surely they are devout enough to actually go to mass?

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On the news earlier it was said the parents hadnt prepared fully for the lads communion. The mum said "we dont go to church every sunday, we dont have time".


If the communion of a seven year old means so much to them they go whining to the press surely they are devout enough to actually go to mass?


Very good point, I hadn't heard that bit!

I think its just a reason to whine and get in the paper, people seem to enjoy that these days, maybe they think theres a bit of compo in it for them?

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