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Is agnosticism actually atheism without the attitude?

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Is that like strangling babies at birth to spare them the futility of their existence?




Very good :hihi:


No :rant:


It's more like accepting the futile nature of our ultimately meaningless existence, letting go of all faith (freeing one's mind, in other words), yet remaining intolerant of unnecessary suffering, mainly because of the empathy that comes from you yourself not wishing to suffer.


So really, compassion is more an extension of the self, perhaps an evolutionary hangover from when we relied on others to "scratch our backs".


Compassionate nihilism ftw.

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atheists can believe whatever they want about thew beginning of the universe, as long as it doesn't involve any gods.


Right. So to be atheist, the notion that the universe was created by God/s must be ruled out and never considered, but any other notion; no matter how ridiculous can be believed?

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Did you mean to say that the scientific theory is no more credible than the creationist theory? Really? Wow. You really are confused.


I'm intrigued..


Well, there's a shedload of scientific evidence to explain the origins of everything we see around us - and bugger all evidence to support creationism. Quite straightforward really.

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Anyone who partakes in commemorating the dates which signify his birth, death and Resurrection do believe he was the son of God. Anyone that doesn't commemorate it obviously do not. Do you partake in it?


False dichotomy. Try again.




Answer the question!


Your statement presents a false dichotomy as there are other possible scenarios. Still, I shall answer. No, I do not commemorate the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus.

I do participate in the festival of chocolate eating which takes place over the double bank holiday over early spring.



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Right. So to be atheist, the notion that the universe was created by God/s must be ruled out and never considered, but any other notion; no matter how ridiculous can be believed?

Wrong, an atheist need not consider "the notion that the universe was created by God/s" but they are perfectly able to do so and be an atheist.


What defines atheism is a lack of belief that gods actually exist, you can attain that state by never having considered gods in any way shape or form or after considering and rejecting the arguments put forward for god/s.

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Right. So to be atheist, the notion that the universe was created by God/s must be ruled out and never considered, but any other notion; no matter how ridiculous can be believed?


No, to be an atheist one must simply lack belief in god. An atheist can consider that the universe was created by a super intelligent pan dimensional four sided triangle if they so desire, they however will not be taken seriously until they can present some evidence to back up their claims.




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