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Is agnosticism actually atheism without the attitude?

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What makes me laugh is the added layers of complication that are necessitated in order to add the extra ingredient of "god".


We don't even know if nothing is possible, but we are constantly asked "how can something come from nothing?" like that is some sort of gotcha question.


Basically start with nothing (which might be impossible), add god, and magic something.


Why not just something (which we know exists)? Besides, what magicked god?


It puzzles me as to why some people just can’t get their head round the fact that the universe could have always existed, there are only two possibilities, it as always existed or it hasn’t, the fact it exists makes it more likely that it has always existed. Even if there was no matter in it, it is still likely the vacuum as always existed. Even with our fantastic imagination it is impossible to think of nothing at all, no matter, energy or vacuum, so there is no reason to even consider the fact that nothing is possible.

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Life is merely the inevitable product of creation. Was creation the inevitable product of something also, or was it simply an unknown, causeless event that has no reason to create life.


No it’s the inevitable consequence of the existence of matter, the matter doesn’t need to have been created and as far as we can prove it can’t be created.

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No it’s the inevitable consequence of the existence of matter, the matter doesn’t need to have been created and as far as we can prove it can’t be created.


That's not strictly true... http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/970724a.html


Matter & anti-matter can be created with enough energy & a way to keep the matter & anti-matter apart so they don't convert back into energy.


It's just a lot easier to use matter that already exists.

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That's not strictly true... http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/970724a.html


Matter & anti-matter can be created with enough energy & a way to keep the matter & anti-matter apart so they don't convert back into energy.


It's just a lot easier to use matter that already exists.


Sorry I didn’t make myself clear.

Energy and matter are different states of the same thing, as far as we can prove we cannot create matter from nothing at all, we can create matter from energy and energy from matter, but we can’t create either from nothing, therefore it is highly likely one or both have always existed.

If we destroy matter we end up with energy and that energy would produce exactly the same amount of matter if we could turn it back into matter, so technically it wasn’t destroyed it was just changed into something else.

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You mean the chocolate in the form of an egg which is still associated with the ancient religious beliefs and ideological symbolism of birth and re-birth?


No, I mean the chocolate in the form of an egg which I associate with little chickens and the slight nausea brought upon by eating too much chocolate.



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I don't have to define God to not have a belief in it.


Actually, I think you do. If for example I asked you if you believed in blahdeblah beasts you would have no idea whether you did or not until I told you what one is (it might say just be my childhood name for polar bears).

The problem is there are as many different definitions of what god is as there are people on the planet, for some it's the Biblical creator of the Universe and bullier of mankind where for others it's is simply mother nature or the Universe itself. So, without knowing what someone means when they say 'god' you can't know whether you believe in it or not.



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