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Is agnosticism actually atheism without the attitude?

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Actually, I think you do. If for example I asked you if you believed in blahdeblah beasts you would have no idea whether you did or not until I told you what one is (it might say just be my childhood name for polar bears).

The problem is there are as many different definitions of what god is as there are people on the planet, for some it's the Biblical creator of the Universe and bullier of mankind where for others it's is simply mother nature or the Universe itself. So, without knowing what someone means when they say 'god' you can't know whether you believe in it or not.




No, until I hear about a blahdblah beast, I am without a belief in it. I have an absence of belief in it. No belief in it.


If there was a pigeon hole system for my beliefs, the Blahdehblah beast box would be empty.

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Actually, I think you do. If for example I asked you if you believed in blahdeblah beasts you would have no idea whether you did or not until I told you what one is (it might say just be my childhood name for polar bears).

The problem is there are as many different definitions of what god is as there are people on the planet, for some it's the Biblical creator of the Universe and bullier of mankind where for others it's is simply mother nature or the Universe itself. So, without knowing what someone means when they say 'god' you can't know whether you believe in it or not.




I sort of agree.


If I was to come across an American tribe of Indians dancing around a totem pole which they claimed was their God, then I would believe in that god because I could see it existed.


For practical purposes I am an atheist in respect of all the creator "big brother" gods that have been proposed by humanity thus far.


I suppose I'm a polyatheist.

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No, until I hear about a blahdblah beast, I am without a belief in it. I have an absence of belief in it. No belief in it.


If there was a pigeon hole system for my beliefs, the Blahdehblah beast box would be empty.


I sort of agree with this too.



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No, until I hear about a blahdblah beast, I am without a belief in it. I have an absence of belief in it. No belief in it.


If there was a pigeon hole system for my beliefs, the Blahdehblah beast box would be empty.



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I sort of agree.


If I was to come across an American tribe of Indians dancing around a totem pole which they claimed was their God, then I would believe in that god because I could see it existed.

You would believe that an object exists which the TRIBE believes is God.


No, until I hear about a blahdblah beast, I am without a belief in it. I have an absence of belief in it. No belief in it.


If there was a pigeon hole system for my beliefs, the Blahdehblah beast box would be empty.


Actually, if I was to be more accurate, I'd say there wasn't even a box labelled with "Blahdehblah beast", there would just be an empty box.

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So how did these Laws get put there?


Do you believe it was 'chance'/physical necessity? (btw none of these would stand up under scrutiny).




That is fine if that is your belief- but to conclude that still requires a giant leap of faith doesn't it? When you consider the argument from the theist - the fine tuning- it is based on what is observed/studied.


Lets just look at some of the parameters of the Universe and then you can ponder yourself if the universe still has NO PURPOSE or INTENTION behind it- like all these just happened to be!

sniped for brevity...


See, the theist has a foundation to base his/her belief from what we know- it is an argument for the case of a Supernatural being- something outside of our world- call it what you want...but to suggest that these laws and fine tuning just 'happened' does not help the position of the atheist- and to just say 'it just is' is frankly a cop out.


Good night.


The fine tuning argument, are you actually being serious here?

Puddle thinking



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Yes, but I would believe in THAT god, as defined by THEM.


I would still be an atheist by my own definition, and that of most dictionaries


If they defined it as an all-powerful being, and you believed their definition of it , you would no longer you be an atheist.


If they defined it as an ornamental piece of wood that they decided to name god (rather than "Wood ornament" or "Barry" or "Wishwash") then you would believe in the existence of said ornament and would still be an atheist.

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If they defined it as an all-powerful being, and you believed their definition of it , you would no longer you be an atheist.


If they defined it as an ornamental piece of wood that they decided to name god (rather than "Wood ornament" or "Barry" or "Wishwash") then you would believe in the existence of said ornament and would still be an atheist.




I was just trying to point out that you and barleycorn weren't really disagreeing on anything in particular.



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