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Is agnosticism actually atheism without the attitude?

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Atheism is defined by having a lack of belief, someone's actions do not factor in, only their thoughts. I am an atheist, but I enjoy arguing with religious people because it's fun and easy.


That sounds a good enough reason to me. :D

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An atheist has no reason whatsoever to consider the existance of a god. What does not exist does not need to be considered.


An atheist can consider whether religion is good or bad for society.


The people who made up all the religious rubbish in the first place were trying to come up with rules that society should live by and create the threat of being punished even if they didn't get caught in this life. That was probably a good thing however the easily impressionable take it too far and that is a bad thing.

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How does someone not get on with life?

Surely an atheist must consider the existance of a god prior to becoming an atheist?

You think a real atheist has no point of view regarding religion?


Please expand.


not true in all cases, unless you have been taught there is a god you would have no reason to consider it. I have never considered it. I just have no reason to suspect there is a god.:suspect:

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No need to expand, I've covered it. The atheist makes his decision and then just ignores religion. If he is constantly discussing the existence of a God then he is not ready to be called an atheist, he is still an agnostic. I have known an atheist who would argue with anybody but in my opinion he was trying to convince himself. The real 'confirmed atheist' would'nt even waste his breath trying to convince anyone else.


you do understand that your opinion is probably wrong though? I get into these arguments sometimes because I can't understand otherwise rational people believing in something akin to santa claus and the tooth fairy.

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Didn't we just have a thread about this last week? It was all explained then but I guess we must keep on going round and round the same old roundabout.

There are three concepts here that are really quite quite simple to explain.



These both relate to belief. Theists believe in a God, atheists lack belief in a God. One does not have to make a conscious decision to be either.



The agnostic position states that it is impossible to know whether Gods do or do not exist.


Ignostic/Igtheist (or theological noncognitivism).

This position states that any discussions around the existence of god are meaningless without a coherent, falsifiable, definition of what god is. This position rules out agnosticism, atheism and theism as all three positions assume that term 'God' is in some way meaningful.



Atheist: someone who lacks belief in god.

Theist: someone who has belief in god.

Agnostic atheist: someone who lacks belief in god and also thinks that it is impossible to know whether gods do or do not exist.

Agnostic theist: someone who thinks it is impossible to know whether gods exist but believe in them anyway.

Ignostic: someone who would say "what's a God".

Apatheist. someone with a complete lack of interest in the belief or lack of belief in god.



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You're assuming that they actually do partake in such things. What you're forgetting is that the festivals at the time of the winter solstice and spring equinox existed for thousands of years before the church imposed the name Christmas on the former.


Not everyone who takes part in the festival and celebrations, will have any interest whatsoever in the reason for its existence, whether that reason be the historical one or the one invented by the Catholic Church.

That's a fair point. Maybe they're not directly celebrating the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas or his death and Resurrection at Easter. Maybe I'm completely out of order in presuming that wanting God's blessing must be the primary reason why anyone marries in church and Christens their kids.
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I accept that a theist could also be agnostic due to their faith being based on belief not knowledge.


What I don't accept is this notion about agnostic atheism ... it's laughable.


Anyone who lacks belief in God/s has no reason whatsoever to then sit on the fence and claim- 'However.. I'm also undecided as to whether God/s do or don't exist due to there being no definitive way of knowing whether God/s do or don't exist.... which is why I believe God/s don't exist'.





And there is your problem. Atheism does not follow from the philosophical position of agnosticism. It stands alone.



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