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And another thread that would soon lead to the closure of SF under SOPA - http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=918221


Did I mis-understand? SOPA will only affect non-US sites, by blocking access to them, from the US. Can't see that would have a massive affect on SF (aside from blocking one of two of our US friends).


Unless I'm missing something?..

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Did I mis-understand? SOPA will only affect non-US sites, by blocking access to them, from the US. Can't see that would have a massive affect on SF (aside from blocking one of two of our US friends).


Unless I'm missing something?..

A little bit:

In its original form, SOPA would have allowed the U.S. Attorney General to file in rem lawsuits against foreign sites (sites not registered with a U.S. registrar) to block access to sites or portions of sites that infringed copyright. “Blocking Access” meant going to Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! and enforcing a court order against them to have the infringing sites removed from the search index. THe order could have been further enforced against Internet Service Providers who would have had to prevent the domain name of the site from resolving to the web site. Sites who supported payment to infringing sites or advertised or sold advertising on the infringing sites could also be stopped, initially under a DMCA-like “notice and takedown” regime that could be initiated by private plaintiffs.
Note that this "original form" has only been amended to exclude search engines (not other type of sites, e.g. Forums, i.e. SF).
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Did I mis-understand? SOPA will only affect non-US sites, by blocking access to them, from the US. Can't see that would have a massive affect on SF (aside from blocking one of two of our US friends).


Unless I'm missing something?..


Under the existing proposals, links to SF would have to be removed from every website that wants to keep operating in the US, including Google, and the US Government could take control of the sheffieldforum.co.uk domain name and redirect it to their own servers to tell all the SF users how naughty we'd been. Furthermore, it would be illegal for any sites wanting to stay around to discuss ways of circumventing the lack or links or domain name.


They also wanted DMCA style anti-circumvention laws, so that if you were to operate an alternative DNS server for example, that could be shut down immediately as it would be possible to circumvent the laws.


In other words, it's a US Army style firebombing of the internet.

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If the bill forced Google not to link to relatively benign sites like SF, I imagine Googles' popularaity would soon wane, and people (outside the US) would start using a non-US based search engines.


Wouldn't it serve to isolate the US from the rest of the world?


More alarming though; is the US gov. having direct control over global DNS? I would have thought for .com sure, but for .co.uk?

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If the bill forced Google not to link to relatively benign sites like SF, I imagine Googles' popularaity would soon wane, and people (outside the US) would start using a non-US based search engines.


Wouldn't it serve to isolate the US from the rest of ?


yep exactly. EasyDNS who are not US based say they have spoke to a lot of companies who are trying to avoid anything going through the US. But Hollywood doesn't care if the rest of the US becomes an IT deadend as Lin as they can keep shifting the same thing on different formats. The big problem is that MasterCard and Visa are US based so they own the means of payment.

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You agree then that SF should be shut down if one individual posts something that someone in the US believe is against copyright?


ALL I've commented on, time and time again, is my feelings on people e-stealing things that don't belong to them. That's literally all I have said. And everyone keeps making comments unrelated to my posted thoughts on the subject :o


I don't support SOPA but nor am I against it. I think we need a radical update of current legislation with an advisory board with far more powers to take effective action against sites that allow such illegal actions...


But I never once said that I agree, endorse, or advocate such extreme measures.

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