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Fed up with People jumping down your throat

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So fed up with people jumping down your throat when you are trying to help animals and humans alike on here. Why can't people just keep quiet if they have nothing nice to say.


This should be one of the new Ten Commandments.

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“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”


So keep your eyes off my donkey, and my ox, ok?


it must be some shed thas got

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Haha! It does get rather off putting - surely this forum is for people to air views and share opinions, NOT to entice people into argument and post nasty things to other individuals. Maybe if we read more and thought more about what people had said we may all learn and understand the world and its inhabitants a little bit better! Acceptance and understanding all make for a happier world.


Oh crikey I've even made myself feel a bit odd now!!

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So fed up with people jumping down your throat when you are trying to help animals and humans alike on here. Why can't people just keep quiet if they have nothing nice to say.

Most of the people on SF are decent but there a few who take great delight in being insulting smart ares's, they are probably some sweaty little geek sat in there bed room living in some sort of fantasy world, they would probably not the be as smart if they were face to face,I don't mind a bit of banter and you can not expect every one to agree with you,but why some come on the forum just be nasty beets me, suppose it would not do for us all to be the same.

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