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Somali Police Deny Pussy Footing

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There is no government in the parts of Somalia where this is a problem.


All the more reason to 'shoot on sight' I reckon. yes it's probably a bit barbaric, but it wouldn't take long for the message to be well and truly heard by the rest of the would-be pirates. :rant:

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Some tankers are now carrying armed guards. The problem with that is that if overwhelmed the crew is likely to be killed immediately instead of ransomed.

The UK couple captured were not 'in front of one of our warships'.


I'd rather take my chances with the armed guards than be held hostage for months or even years by the pirates!

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the problem with that is more people could get killed on the tankers ..if they get fired on they'll fire back plus they can be pretty well armed with rpg's and ak's..they're also very good at getting on board under cover of darkness.and a tanker is a huge ship to police.


the best method would be to make it legal for the warships to sink the mother ships most of them operate from.


I doubt they would fire upon a well (obviousy) armed vessel. They don't try and hijack navy vessels do they? I've not heard of them offering any resistance to being boarded by navy vessels either. It's the law of survival. If they thought that trying to attack a ship was going to get them all killed, they wouldn't do it. As it is, if the navy capture them (apparently) all they do is feed them water them and give them a lift back to shore. The pirates know this, so there's no deterent! :loopy:

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All the more reason to 'shoot on sight' I reckon. yes it's probably a bit barbaric, but it wouldn't take long for the message to be well and truly heard by the rest of the would-be pirates. :rant:


They don't cruise up sounding a horn in the middle of the day though.

On site might be whilst you're in your hammock (presumably where all sailors sleep) and they burst in the door.


The merchant vessels have insurance, it's in their own interest to not escalate the situation.


Our navies on the other hand are bound by rules of engagement where they can't just steam around sinking every small dow that they spot.

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Pirates are human beings dont you know. They have mothers and children waiting back home. They become pirates out of desperation to support themselves and their families. If we start shooting pirates without trial like dogs where do we draw the line?

I will bring you a pirate, tie him up, and let you blow him away and dispose of the lifeless corpse. You could let your kids watch so they know what happens to really naughty people :D

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I don't see anything here about just dropping the pirates back at the shore.


I watched a documentary on this specific subject about a month ago...That's exacly what they do. They keep them on board in a sort of makeshift cell on deck. Provide them with medication if required, feed and water them and put them on a small boat within spitting distance of the shore, and let them go. I'm sure if I could be bothered I could find it on the iplayer or something!

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