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Somali Police Deny Pussy Footing

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They don't cruise up sounding a horn in the middle of the day though.

On site might be whilst you're in your hammock (presumably where all sailors sleep) and they burst in the door.


The merchant vessels have insurance, it's in their own interest to not escalate the situation.


Our navies on the other hand are bound by rules of engagement where they can't just steam around sinking every small dow that they spot.


I appreciate it's a covert thing they do, and try to sneak upon the tankers undetected. I just wonder how difficult it might be to have a night vision camera and infrared lights around the ship to be monitored by whoever is on watch. It's not rocket science and very very cheap to install.


As for the insurance, that's a nonsense. Imagine if someone hijacked your car while waiting at some traffic lights (which does actually happen)....Oh, no matter, he's got insurance!

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Pirates are human beings dont you know. They have mothers and children waiting back home. They become pirates out of desperation to support themselves and their families. If we start shooting pirates without trial like dogs where do we draw the line?

I will bring you a pirate, tie him up, and let you blow him away and dispose of the lifeless corpse. You could let your kids watch so they know what happens to really naughty people :D


The pirates make shed loads of money...or at least their puppet masters do. Yes they have families etc. It's a dangerous occupation, but if it was a damn sight 'more' dangerous, they wouldn't do it.

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I can,t understand the softly softly aproach used in dealing with these thieving murderous scumbags surely the nations suffering their attacks could put in place a well armed security squad on each tanker with a shoot to kill policy.They [the pirates] would think twice before trying to hijack them if they knew they could get blown away,take the English couple kidnapped in front of one of our warships who stood by and did nothing to save them on some technicality it beggars belief even if it would have been illegal they should have acted,what rights did the kidnappers have, none blow em away what do you say am I right or wrong,tree huggers what say you?.:roll::rant::confused:


No they wouldn't. Armed guards have been on ships for a few months and it's not detering pirates

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I appreciate it's a covert thing they do, and try to sneak upon the tankers undetected. I just wonder how difficult it might be to have a night vision camera and infrared lights around the ship to be monitored by whoever is on watch. It's not rocket science and very very cheap to install.


As for the insurance, that's a nonsense. Imagine if someone hijacked your car while waiting at some traffic lights (which does actually happen)....Oh, no matter, he's got insurance!


If the alternative was that you were likely to be hijacked and killed (instead of just hijacked) then I'd go with just hijacked. The insurance covers a ransom as well, hence why I mentioned it.


You should google the ships we are talking about and find out how large they are!

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Can't the international community have a few of those ' unmanned drones' that the US use? The pirates attempt to capture a boat/ship, drone spots it and zaps it on activation of an international command, nowt to do with any individual nation.


The jobs a good'un. :thumbsup:

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Can't the international community have a few of those ' unmanned drones' that the US use? The pirates attempt to capture a boat/ship, drone spots it and zaps it on activation of an international command, nowt to do with any individual nation.


The jobs a good'un. :thumbsup:


Find out what the range and surveillance capabilities of the drones are, work out the area you need to cover, figure out where the drones are flying from and how many you need and then get back to us.

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Can't the international community have a few of those ' unmanned drones' that the US use? The pirates attempt to capture a boat/ship, drone spots it and zaps it on activation of an international command, now't to do with any individual nation.


The jobs a good'un. :thumbsup:

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...even if it would have been illegal they should have acted



If you believe that illegal acts can be justified, you have no grounds for wanting to take action against the kidnappers in the first place.



If you believe in the rule of law, then you must uphold it, not break it.

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