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Somali Police Deny Pussy Footing

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If the alternative was that you were likely to be hijacked and killed (instead of just hijacked) then I'd go with just hijacked. The insurance covers a ransom as well, hence why I mentioned it.


You should google the ships we are talking about and find out how large they are!


[bold] well surely this works in reverse too. If they try to hijack and risk death, the hijackers would surely conclude, "well I won't bother"

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Can't the international community have a few of those ' unmanned drones' that the US use? The pirates attempt to capture a boat/ship, drone spots it and zaps it on activation of an international command, now't to do with any individual nation.


The jobs a good'un. :thumbsup:


'LIKE' button 'ticked' :hihi:

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If the alternative was that you were likely to be hijacked and killed (instead of just hijacked) then I'd go with just hijacked. The insurance covers a ransom as well, hence why I mentioned it.


You should google the ships we are talking about and find out how large they are!


I know exactly how huge these vessels are. I also know how small the sailing yacht was with that unfortunate English couple aboard (can't remember their names). I don't suppose they had 'hijack' insurance.


Pirates really don't care how big or small the captured vessel is.

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I doubt they would fire upon a well (obviousy) armed vessel. They don't try and hijack navy vessels do they? I've not heard of them offering any resistance to being boarded by navy vessels either. It's the law of survival. If they thought that trying to attack a ship was going to get them all killed, they wouldn't do it. As it is, if the navy capture them (apparently) all they do is feed them water them and give them a lift back to shore. The pirates know this, so there's no deterent! :loopy:



I actually work on ships (navy ships)some of the time, mainly in the south china sea


were you get a lot of pirates especially round anambas,natuna, and manykai islands were i was last year ..these islands are know as pirate ghettos to shipping


the first thing you have to know is they're very hard to spot ,usually cos they're disguised as fishermen,

secondly they usually operate at night with grapperling hooks which they throw onto the safety rails on ships side and quitely climb up before you know it they're on board.


most of the time they try to rob you for petty cash ,food or what ever they can sell.but theres been an increase in hijackings ,because of a downturn in shipping in the mallacca straits


most commercial ships coming through this area just lock themselves up at night and hope for the best.


as for the navy giving them food and water

when the indo or malay navy get hold of them(which they hardly ever do) they're dead men .

but it does'nt stop them .they've got nothing to lose

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Pirates are human beings dont you know. They have mothers and children waiting back home. They become pirates out of desperation to support themselves and their families. If we start shooting pirates without trial like dogs where do we draw the line?

I will bring you a pirate, tie him up, and let you blow him away and dispose of the lifeless corpse. You could let your kids watch so they know what happens to really naughty people :D


" Taxi for Mr Clarkson ! ".

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I'm afraid I only read the first two links, and I stand corrected...they have attacked Naval vessels......BUT......only by virtue of GROSS stupidity!!!!!!

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I actually work on ships (navy ships)some of the time, mainly in the south china sea


were you get a lot of pirates especially round anambas,natuna, and manykai islands were i was last year ..these islands are know as pirate ghettos to shipping


the first thing you have to know is they're very hard to spot ,usually cos they're disguised as fishermen,

secondly they usually operate at night with grapperling hooks which they throw onto the safety rails on ships side and quitely climb up before you know it they're on board.


most of the time they try to rob you for petty cash ,food or what ever they can sell.but theres been an increase in hijackings ,because of a downturn in shipping in the mallacca straits


most commercial ships coming through this area just lock themselves up at night and hope for the best.


as for the navy giving them food and water

when the indo or malay navy get hold of them(which they hardly ever do) they're dead men .

but it does'nt stop them .they've got nothing to lose


I appreciate you obviously have first hand knowledge of pirates, although not the Somalian variety.


So should the merchant shipping and navies sit back and do nothing?

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But you aren't suggesting that small sailing yachts have armed guards and 100% infra red camera coverage, it's the huge tankers you're suggesting it for!


Well, no I wouldn't suggest that either. Yes on the big vessels. But smaller, pleasure yacht type vessels maybe ought to just keep clear of the area, for the time being. I can't see another way to protect them, other than detering them in the first place!

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