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Im turning into my Dad ,And saving Junk lol

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Is it just me or do others do same and end up saving random things :hihi:


I look in my shed and have saved stuff in there that i may think will come in handy one day, or i end up putting stuff in loft that i know i wont get back out .


I know my dad used to this all the time;) only really noticed this while putting xmas stuff back in loft. theres stuff in there that ill never use , rolls of wallpaper and other random stuff , boxes of stuff that i dont even know wots in them


Deffo need a big clear out in summer Maybe (sure i said that to myself last year) ;)

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Just moved to Wales and had a big clearout.

I decided it was time to loose all the crap saved over the years.

Sorry to the binmen...the bin was heavy for the last few weeks I was there.

Thanks for the help at the dumpit site on my frequent visits.


Do I miss the crap?



I've now got a new load of crap left by the previous owner of this house.

The shed is full of stuff.

Looking forward to an eventfull time of new discoveries when the weather improves.

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Somebody said to me last month: "We spend half of our lives accumulating crap and the other half trying to get rid of it."


I'm a 'tool collector' - I've got tools which will do anything (nothing wrong with that, but I've also got tools which will do jobs which no longer exist.)


And I've got duplicates.


And triplicates. (It's all very well having three sets of side-cutting pliers, but I've only got two hands.)


My wife has more shoes than did Imelda Marcos. More dresses than Old Prat Wimpey, but (unfortunately) most of them are in the size which 'suited' (fitted) her 25 years ago.


We have a (really impressive) set of silver (solid) cutlery. When (some years ago) we 'entertained' it was ordinary.


We no longer entertain, and the food tastes just as good (or just as bad, if she cooks) off stainless steel as it did off silver.


The kids (or at least mine) don't want the 'old folks hand-me downs' so you may as well get rid of them.


There is, however a 'gender issue'.


I don't buy new clothes (well, not quite true. I bought some underpants last year.) If I find a hole in a shirt, I'll either use that shirt for when I want to do painting, or use it when others I care about don't care how I am dressed.


I don't care how I dress and if anybody else objects, I probably don't care, either. Many of my shirts are holy. More holy than righteous.


On this forum nobody sees the holes in my underpants.


One of the reasons I post here.

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I save old clothes for painting / diy / gardening too. Got loads now!


There is a project at St Winifreds which takes old tools, including saws which can be resharpened. I think they bundle them up into kits and send them to Africa.


I guess we need to stop worrying about what will happen to the old cutley, tools, etc.. They are nice though. I've got some cutlery from the 1920's which is beautiful and sharp but not dishwasher friendly. Likewise I've got 10's of chisels and planes etc from the pre-war years. Beautiful to use, but I only ever use 1% of the total.

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I 've got junk from all over the world all kinds of things , most of them I got for a reason.


I find them better than photographs, most have storys and memories behind them.


I've got clothes from 1977 I can't bear to part with to many memories .

it'd be like killing a friend if I got rid of them

I worked with one bloke who swam back to a sinking ship to get a sweater he'd add since school, and he was 45 .


theres some famous hollywood actor(mickey rourke I think) who's completely decorated is house form the fittings and furniture from the hotels he's stayed at all over the world.


where ever noel coward went he allways took is armchair with him even though it was falling apart



like that line in an old country and western song.



that friend of mine is like an old work shirt.

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Is it just me or do others do same and end up saving random things :hihi:


I look in my shed and have saved stuff in there that i may think will come in handy one day, or i end up putting stuff in loft that i know i wont get back out .


I know my dad used to this all the time;) only really noticed this while putting xmas stuff back in loft. theres stuff in there that ill never use , rolls of wallpaper and other random stuff , boxes of stuff that i dont even know wots in them


Deffo need a big clear out in summer Maybe (sure i said that to myself last year) ;)

It couldn't be that as you grow up you start to see the value of things ?


When we are young you think things are disposable and anything needed will just come along.


When your older you look at things as having more life left in them or that they will maybe have a future use, even if they have not got one at the moment.


As adults time is seen/perceived different , that why we take more risk when we are younger, that change in the perception in time carries across to the every day things in life.

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a few years ago my dad decided he was on his last legs (he was 83 at the time but had just recovered from a severe bout of pneumonia) and didn't want mum and us kids (the youngest of which is 43!) to have the hassle of clearing out his old shed when he was gone or too decrepit to do it himself


so he, one of my sisters and I spent a happy weekend going through everything and separating the useful from the useless (luckily I found myself on the useful pile, but it was a split decision)


The useless (to us) and broken items were distributed to charity projects or the dump as appropriate, and the various tools were taken mainly by me as I had the biggest shed to store them in (and no doubt they'll come in handy one day)


The problem (if that is the right word) is that Dad didn't die and is as sprightly as ever - so now, whenever he wants to do something I have to traipse back over to Barnsley with "his" tools, but then bring them back to my house as Mum doesn't want any of that "clutter" dirtying "her" nice clean shed

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I still cut the plugs off electrical items when they are thrown away. I do know everything comes with a plug fitted now but still.... when the revolution happens and all the plugs are gone I and I alone will save the day with my 500 used plugs :suspect:

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