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Anyone who goes/been to Niche...


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Iv already had a bit of response to this in someone elses thread, but I still want to know more. Im in an electric wheelchair and I want to go to Niche (obviously, only if it opens again) and im not so sure if this is a clever idea. Some of my mates go every weekend (well, did) but there not the kind of people id like to go with, they attract a lot of attention, if you get my drift. Iv been told by a couple of people on here I should just go, n maybe I should. But, Iv been told that some people arent very accepting of 'newcomers' and im not being funny, but I dont exactly blend into the background! Now, I dunno that might be a load of sh*t thats been made up by those people that think they know Niche inside n out, even though theyve never been, so I thought it might be worth asking you.


Whats your opinions?

Say what you think, I want the truth, which is why I aint askin my mates who will just tell me what I want to hear to get me there.



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Originally posted by steelcitybab

your too young :P hehe



hehe good call, I didnt notice that.


Well when you turn 18 I gully recommend going. Im not too sure where you heard that newcomers arent exactly welcomed, but you wou wil be more than fine. Everybody in Niche just wants to enjoy themselves and you will be more than welcomed, there are some very friendly people in Niche.


If you do ever decide to go, you can let me know and Ill take care of you ;)

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Hi, I go to Niche well have been before and its true really, it aint the place really for new comers if ya "face isnt known" as they say it can bring you alot of attention. Some people only go to Niche to cause trouble anyway so you might get an idiot who just wants to act "big" and sometimes if you aint with the right people could go horribly wrong. Dont get me wrong Niche music is great and its good if you "know the right people" but as ive been there and im aware of the atmosphere and people there i would not go unless your "known".

Your better off being "known" as they say because you always need someone to "watch your back" anyone could jump you anywhere in there and unless your "back is covered" it can be dangerous.

Plus the fact there is alot of drugs there anyway.


But i hate it that new people cant go just because of certain peole who like to cause "trouble".

The call is yours whether or not you go and if you do good luck and hope you have a good night.



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Niche nightclub has recently been closed on police orders. It is likely that a court case will eventually determine whether or not it re-opens. I understand that the court hearing is approx 3 months away. So, your dilemma about visiting Niche or not is academic, at least for the moment.

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I havent been but my mates went for the first time about 2 weeks ago.


It was just them 2, they danced had a laugh. But they did say they was bored of looking at the floor :hihi: (didn't want to give anyone eye contact, just incase)


But at 1am, they said they felt out of place, because they were the only ones with booze, whilst everyone else was on bottled water :hihi:

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Im not sure where you get that from Mz Babe, I hear what you are saying, but ive never seen an atmosphere when it comes to 'newcomers'. Yes there are sometimes trouble makers, but thats the same anywhere really.


I think the best bet for Tessika would be to try it out and if doesnt like it, doesnt need to go again. :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Mz_BaBe

Hi, I go to Niche well have been before and its true really, it aint the place really for new comers if ya "face isnt known" as they say it can bring you alot of attention. Some people only go to Niche to cause trouble anyway so you might get an idiot who just wants to act "big" and sometimes if you aint with the right people could go horribly wrong. Dont get me wrong Niche music is great and its good if you "know the right people" but as ive been there and im aware of the atmosphere and people there i would not go unless your "known".

Your better off being "known" as they say because you always need someone to "watch your back" anyone could jump you anywhere in there and unless your "back is covered" it can be dangerous.

Plus the fact there is alot of drugs there anyway.


But i hate it that new people cant go just because of certain peole who like to cause "trouble".

The call is yours whether or not you go and if you do good luck and hope you have a good night.




Thanx, youv just told me what my mates wont! LOL. I probably will end up going one day (when im 18... obviously...) but I just needed to ask people who will tell me the truth. Thanx again, n plzz keep your opinions comin, I gotta know everythin! :)

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