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Anyone who goes/been to Niche...


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Originally posted by bjshooter

I do believe that everyone is making a big deal out of nothing. It is not that bad and nobodys going to get in to trouble simply for being new there. Go and find out if you like it you either will or wont, if you don't then there is no need to go again. It may not even re-open yet. Maybe we should all organise to go together :thumbsup:


Too right.


The best thing to do is juswt to try it out. Theres no harm in that. :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Tessika

Dont you think your over analysing the whole thing just a little to much there?


What is it with people on this forum? You try to use a bit of irony every now and then but unless you indicate with an appropriate smilie from a list that is provided people on here miss it and take what you've written literally. Doesn't anything in the world ever strike you as being mad, contradictory or just so clearly wrong that it's ridiculous or does someone else have to point it out for you?

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  • 1 month later...

anyone can go to niche! people dont care about who goes,just ppl who are looking 4 trouble, the 1st time i went it was a brilliant experience! every1 is pretty friendly to be honest! yea,u do get to know familiar faces but that just makes it all the more a great atmosphere! hoping it reopens! miss it so much! (fri nights at limit ok at mo but wish niche wud reopen!)

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I used to love Niche! And I don't know what all this rubbish is about being a 'new face'.


So ok, maybe I got a few green eyed wimmin' treading on my toes and trying to elbow me off the dance floor :cool: but you know what, stuff them. A big smile and no aggressive attitude is all you need. The biggest problem I'd get sometimes was the space to dance if I was on the main dancefloor bit. :)


Mind your own business, be nice, and you've no worries..! :P

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Originally posted by rjo2

na then tess?

y dint u jst ask me?


il go n shok it out wi ya wen it opens agen!


HAHAHA!!! REMI!!! iv jus realised its u! Dont i feel stupid lol. im DEFINATLY holdin u 2 that now!!!! :D:clap:

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