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UK car production boosted by record exports

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It seems that our exports are healthy and keeping the country afloat.




Car production in the UK rose by 5.8% in 2011, industry figures show.


The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said manufacturing had ended the year with a 1.6% rise in December, producing a total of 1,343,810 vehicles in the year.

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Good for robots and a few British people but who owns these car firms?


Well as these firms employ several hundred thousand people it is pretty good news for us all.


Employees pay tax.

Executives pay tax

Profitable companies pay tax


It is also extemely good for us as 80% of UK car production goes for export and helps our balance of payment deficit.

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Thanks for that - init amazin how economics work?


But most of the bread from these companies goes outa the country - as typically self effacing as we Brits are, we allowed a very good motor industry of our own go to the wall. More recently M.G. Rover who made some very good cars which were beautifully designed from the ground up only to be savaged by the 'expert' petrol heads when a few teething troubles showed up as they naturally will with ANY manufacturer of ANY technology..


A very iffy management then grabbed the lolly and scarpered leaving most of the public believing that M.G Rover went bust due to 'inferior' (British) workmanship. We Brits, we're our own worst enemy.


Don't tell me that this drop in the employment sea is going to make much difference to many people and/or the economy of the U.K. Though I agree, it is a minor reason to be cheerful.

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Try approximately 150,000. With an extra few hundred thousand directly supported by the manufacturing industry.


OOO! That's a big number - pity we've got 4000,000 (in REAL terms) unemployed - now can you tell me what 150,000 is as a percentage of 4000,000?


OOO again - doesn't seem that good now does it?

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Try approximately 150,000. With an extra few hundred thousand directly supported by the manufacturing industry.


I'll just ignore the troll and reply to the sensible.


Quote ..

No other European country has anything like this range and number of automotive players. The industry in the UK is characterised by significant foreign direct investment and high exports, equivalent to 12% of the UK’s exports of goods. Overall, automotive manufacturing provides 140,000 jobs and contributes some £6.5 billion value-added to the UK economy (4.9% of the total for the whole UK manufacturing sector). The companies based in the UK operate in Europe’s third biggest automotive market with UK customers in 2010 accounting for the purchase of more than 2 million new cars – equivalent to 14.7% of European vehicle registrations.


Moreover, the UK offers a highly sophisticated retail and service/ maintenance sector, which generated some £18 billion value added to the UK economy in 2009. It comprises some 66,000 businesses employing 500,000 people.

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