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America - Go Home.

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Prime Suspect, prime TV :love: I don't think it was a "woman issue" at all, it was just good acting and a good story line.


I dont know about that poppins. In some episodes there seemed to be some kind of attitude displayed by members of her team. Not openly hostile nor disrespectful but nevertheless there was something there. She seemed to be aware of it and acted uptight at times in response. In later episodes there seemed to be a relaxing of that hidden tension between her and the others

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I dont know about that poppins. In some episodes there seemed to be some kind of attitude displayed by members of her team. Not openly hostile nor disrespectful but nevertheless there was something there. She seemed to be aware of it and acted uptight at times in response. In later episodes there seemed to be a relaxing of that hidden tension between her and the others


Could be why she took to the bottle :hihi:

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Could be why she took to the bottle :hihi:



I think her life ran the course of many a cop. Seen too much of life's ugly side, unsociable working hours, (often very long) and broken relationships along the way.


I spent two years up in Idaho a long time ago. The bars were full of old retired Los Angeles cops all burned out boozers most of them.

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Care to answer my other points? All I'm asking you to do is explain your position and qualify your original post. If you can't I'll understand.


I might answer YOUR points when you answer mine - anyway you can qualify my points all by yourself simply by being a little more objective and observant and a little less sycophantic.


(From here on in this post can be applied to whomsoever it may concern).


My position is never less than crystal clear - unlike some of you simpering sops that rarely, if ever, court controversy unless certain of your alignment with the majority.


Having said that there are a number of S.F.ers for whom I have great respect and admiration who also have neither the desire nor the need to run with the yapping snapping pack.


If my observations make you uneasy to the point where you would suggest that I'm a muslim or a xenophobe or in some way bent on the destruction of America, I suggest that you look more at your own motives for defending America than at my motives for attacking it.

(Harleyman's sh*t scared to say anything bad about America in case the C.I.A come a'knockin').


But it's great isn't it, being part of a BIG gang united against a common enemy - the smell of napalm in the morning eh? Aaah.


So for those of you who scowl and maliciously generalise with regard to the French - the homeless - the unemployed -immigrants - devotees of a particular religion - thin toilet paper - etc etc etc; don't entrust all of your faith to the mighty American dream - you might just wake up - ONE DAY.

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Is the increasing American influence in Europe/the world and particularly in the U.K a sign of things to come? Corporate bull-dozing of the national character?


As most people know America owns a good chunk of the U.K already but America is infiltrating minds in more subtle ways.


I don't need to go into too much detail - just count the number of American accents in T.V advertising and voice-overs on documentaries etc.


The, ''Extreme Excess is O.K,'' mantra of America is recruiting new subscribers daily and is alienating millions hourly.


Are we so impressed with everything American that we are blinded to the flimsy Disneyland fascade that hides mountains of stinking world threatening ecological/political activities?


I don't advocate speaking the 'Queens English' in fact regional accents are something to be encouraged imo but is American influence yet another aspect of the errosion of the British identity?


Hi America - I'm back!



Prefer the Yanks to the mind numbing number of "aliens" who have invaded us from the East and futher afield, many who have no handle on the English language whatever. At least you can converse with a Yank.



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What really amuses me is the number of hypnotised blundering buffoons that tread these hallowed halls - you REALLY believe that by bigging up America you'll somehow acquire some ASSmerican 'cool' - I've got news for you, it ain't working doood.


Time will assuredly tell.


Id say I am seeing less and less american stuff really.


Most people seem a bit sick of McDonalds, Starbucks etc. The subway fad is slowly fading as well I think.


Still the usual American TV show imports is about as much as I see really and I only hear US voice overs on SOME documentaries on Sky but not in adverts.


Seems a bit of a pointless argument this really.

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