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America - Go Home.

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Id say I am seeing less and less american stuff really.Most people seem a bit sick of McDonalds, Starbucks etc. The subway fad is slowly fading as well I think.


Still the usual American TV show imports is about as much as I see really and I only hear US voice overs on SOME documentaries on Sky but not in adverts.


Seems a bit of a pointless argument this really.



As Britain integrates further into the EU this would be normal. I see McDonald's being usurped by les Robinsons.

A Robinson is what they call a snack bar in Paris as I remember. Why they call them that I dont know.

It's quite possibe that we may see something called a croissant du porc make it's debut in the future. That would be a crosssant stuffed with pork pie filling

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Prefer the Yanks to the mind numbing number of "aliens" who have invaded us from the East and futher afield, many who have no handle on the English language whatever. At least you can converse with a Yank.




So you dislike Americans less than Asians? Without entering into such details as many Americans being of asian descent - Americans must be chuffed to read that. "Wow, there's a guy in England who dislikes other nationalities more than mine!! Whooopdeeferckindooo!!!"

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Is the increasing American influence in Europe/the world and particularly in the U.K a sign of things to come? Corporate bull-dozing of the national character?


As most people know America owns a good chunk of the U.K already but America is infiltrating minds in more subtle ways.


I don't need to go into too much detail - just count the number of American accents in T.V advertising and voice-overs on documentaries etc.


The, ''Extreme Excess is O.K,'' mantra of America is recruiting new subscribers daily and is alienating millions hourly.


Are we so impressed with everything American that we are blinded to the flimsy Disneyland fascade that hides mountains of stinking world threatening ecological/political activities?


I don't advocate speaking the 'Queens English' in fact regional accents are something to be encouraged imo but is American influence yet another aspect of the errosion of the British identity?


Hi America - I'm back!


take me there, i love america, every time i've been there i haven't wanted to come home, i've no phd or £100k spare or i'd be there, they certainly do not put up with the crap that we here in the uk do :)

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I was watching the Republican presidential debates last night. Some of Ron Pauls remarks struck me as very vote worthy. Withdrawal from all foreign military bases, an end to being the world policeman and using the army instead to stop illegals crossing the border. The money saved would be used to fund Social Security and Medicare which at present are underfunded and according to some in danger of going broke sometime around 2035

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There are a lot of great British shows available here.


In the 1980s Benny Hill caught on in a big way and developed a cult following for some years afterwards. The PC crowd got it yanked off the networks though


only American weirdos liked Benny Hill. You had to be unstable enough to want to sit through all of Johnny Carson first.

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only American weirdos liked Benny Hill. You had to be unstable enough to want to sit through all of Johnny Carson first.


B.Hill was popular enough in Britain wasn't he? :huh: You can count me as unstable as I was a great Johnny Carson fan for many years :D

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I still liked Benny Hill. In my area, it was shown earlier in the evening, around 6-7 pm. Who do you think of when you hear
? :hihi:


And The Tonight Show just wasn't the same after Johnny Carson left.


That tune cracks me up every time.

Benny Hill = Legend!!!!

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