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America - Go Home.

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I was watching the Republican presidential debates last night. Some of Ron Pauls remarks struck me as very vote worthy. Withdrawal from all foreign military bases, an end to being the world policeman and using the army instead to stop illegals crossing the border. The money saved would be used to fund Social Security and Medicare which at present are underfunded and according to some in danger of going broke sometime around 2035


Yea that'll work, just like it did for America post WW1. It's not as if the next 30 years weren't the the worst 30 years in the world history. Hang on a minute what about the great depression, the rise of political extremism and WW2?


Isolation will never work as we are all part of the same world and what goes on in it can only effect us all.


Anyway it's not as if the foreign military bases aren't there protecting America's interests, they are an asset that assists the president when it comes to implementing the USA's foreign policy; as does being the "world's policeman".

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Yea that'll work, just like it did for America post WW1. It's not as if the next 30 years weren't the the worst 30 years in the world history. Hang on a minute what about the great depression, the rise of political extremism and WW2?


Isolation will never work as we are all part of the same world and what goes on in it can only effect us all.


Anyway it's not as if the foreign military bases aren't there protecting America's interests, they are an asset that assists the president when it comes to implementing the USA's foreign policy; as does being the "world's policeman".




Ron Paul's point of view seems to be that America's foreign policy hasn't been a success over the past few decades. He's said, and there's an element of truth in it, that we're not welcome in such places as Afganistan and that these kind of wars are in the long run unwinnable. There have been 60 US troops killed by Afghanistan soldiers so far. These were soldiers being trained by the US and supposed to be allies. Also who can honestly say that Pakistan is in any way an ally either? If Ron Paul were elected president he'd have us out of Afghanistan long before 2014 and a good job too. Incidentally he's getting a lot of votes from the military.


I doubt Ron Paul is an isolationist in any sense of the word. I think he mainly sees that being global policeman has become far to costly at a time when the US is experiencing a huge deficit and maintaining bases overseas is more beneficial to the host countries but in the long run costly to the US.

I could agree with him on bases in Europe but where he falls flat is talking about withdrawing troops from South Korea. That's just plain loony


He's a controversial figure alright. I dont know if I'd bother casting a vote for him but some things he says do make a bit of sense.


As a president i seriously doubt if he would have the support from Congress needed from both sides to carry out his policies either foreign or domestic.

It would be four years of mostly stalemate

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