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Which is harder - to ditch or to be ditched??

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Are we all joking? Being dumped is by FAR the hardest issue here.


It's OK when you're in control, but when you're dumped:


Loss of control

Massive ego blow

Loss of someone you may have liked

Lack of relationship security

Being single


You're basically on the receiving end when you're dumped and if it was a serious relationship it can hit really hard. Which, when you're doing the dumping, can be painful, but you're in control; you're doing the dumping!


I agree with Karis, it so much harder being dumped, from personal experience anyway.

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But being hard-nosed and single is infinitely preferable than being vulnerable and dumped and single...


And, I don't agree with the 'dealing with the loss'; if you've made the decision to dump, you've already made your peace with the separation!


Not necessarily. You might feel that you need to end the relationship, without actually necessarily wanting to; you might be at peace with the idea of the separation, but that can be very difficult from the actuality of it; you might not be entirely sure what you want, and so end the relationship because that seems fairer than struggling on not being totally convinced by it; you might have over-developed guilt and empathy issues that means hurting someone else is almost unbearable...etc.


Neither is any fun, in conclusion.

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