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Any of you Sheffielders remember WW2?


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Ill let you into a little secret, theres a place where they have these new fangled things called books in a building called a Library that holds a plethora of books on all subjects or short of that try the Internet.
I think you've missed the point, they've been asked to get personal stories from people they know. Not something out of a book!


Although, it's going to get a bit difficult as the years go by. The youngest people that would have personal experiences they could remember

would have to be at least in their mid 70s ...

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Ill let you into a little secret, theres a place where they have these new fangled things called books in a building called a Library that holds a plethora of books on all subjects or short of that try the Internet.

Now, I will let YOU into a little secret.

The stories of those who lived through this terrible time in this countries history are far more poignant than facts and figures in books.

The OP asked for peoples personal experiences not information about how to access regurgitated information.

Thanks for your contribution to our discussion x

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My great-grandad once told me he was asked to help guard the pit when it was rumoured the Germans were coming. They all lined up to receive their 'weapons' to be given.......broom handles. Needless to say, the thought of encountering a German with his gun persuaded my grandad to tell them exactly where they could shove their handle!

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I was born in 1943 and have no memories of the war, last week my older sister was telling me about my parents and her escaping a plane attack on a railway station, several people on the station including 3 young sailors going home on leave and a woman with a baby in a pram were killed and my dad found that a bullet had gone through the peak of his cap. If you think your little one could use this account I will get details from my sister

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Now, I will let YOU into a little secret.

The stories of those who lived through this terrible time in this countries history are far more poignant than facts and figures in books.

The OP asked for peoples personal experiences not information about how to access regurgitated information.

Thanks for your contribution to our discussion x


There are plenty of books about personal experiences of peoples recollections during the war, doesnt personal experiences count as regurgitated info?

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Thanks everyone, shes very pleased with this, shes only 7 bless her so its all a lot to take in, I never learnt about this stuff so young! Think shes amazed at how scary it all sounds.


Of course I could use books or the internet, but these are all things that have been published and seen before, was hoping for something a little personal, thanks to everyone who has given a story :)

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Have a search about a plane called, my amigo it crashed in Endcliffe park killing all aboard, by all accounts by missing kids playing in the park, there is a monument behind the cafe and every feb they have a service attended by American service men.

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My daughter has been given homework from school, and she is required to get accounts from her 'great grandparents' about their lives in World War 2.



With all the paid, preparation time etc. you'd think these teachers could update the homework sheets every now and then?


The chances of a child in school today that has a living relative that was old enough to have real memories of the war are getting few and far between.


Lots of resources out there, but for living memories .. they'll be in their 80's now and would have been at school at the time.

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