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New Fitness Class - Westfield Sports Centre, Sheffield 20

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Newbie and Gracey - I'm always nervous when starting a new fitness class, as I'm in a room with lots of people that I don't know, so come over and say hello. It will be alright on the night (:help: we hope :help:)


Louby1964 - The session will run for 60 minutes and so the finish time will be 8.15pm. What is the nature of your operation (send a PM) obviously, if you don't want to tell anything thats OK, it just makes me aware of any part of the routine that may be unsuitable for you. If you simply want to come along, just go at your own pace and work around the injured area.


If you live in the Sheff20 area, then like all our other sessions the atmosphere will be fun, if you decide to come to the class by yourself, don't worry as you will soon make friends.


PLease wear decent pair of running trainers and sensible clothing like t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms. Due to the type of training we do, low cut tops are not advisable, the session includes sprinting, plus you will be up and down many times


Last but not least, remember to bring a bottle of water to the sessions.

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If you come tonight, you need to walk past reception and go up the stairs to the activity room. Don't wait in the Reception area as we are not connected to SIV.


Also, like all modern sporting facilities the room can be very warm with little access to fresh air, so bring a bottle of water. Many people have come to the fitness sessions (all the different sessions) without bringing water, so remember your water.

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  • 3 weeks later...


i keep meaning to message on here to say sorry i havent been back yet but struggling with a baby sitter as my husband is currently playing hockey on tuesday nights. Once the season is over i plan to come back to your class as i really enjoyed it!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

When the weather is hot + dry, then this fitness class will take place outside on one of the all weather football pitches (the floor is a grassy/felt type substance).


When its wet, then we will go inside and train in the activity hall.


Due to a booking error, we couldn't use the activity hall, so we ended up outside, and what a fantastic session it was, the weather was absolutly perfect. :D loads of running, sprints and other fun stuff.


It is enclosed and so you can't be seen, so if the weather is hot - come and get fit & get a sun tan as well. :thumbsup:

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