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Phone insurance rip off!!

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From Cyclone's post, 10% of people with mobile phone insurance claim against their policies.


If 10% of car owners claimed against their policies, what do you think would happen to the premiums?


Perhaps mobile phone insurance premiums should be tripled and a 'No claims bonus' introduced?


I've had a (actually 2, I'm on my second) mobile phone [which is not insured] for 15 years. Statistically, I should've claimed 1.5 times. I've never claimed


I doubt that I'm significantly more careful with stuff than are others - nor am I amazingly lucky.


I wonder how many mobile phones are damaged in genuine accidents and how many are damaged 'because there is a new, improved model on the market and I really want one'?


'Phone Insurance rip-off'. Perhaps ... but who is ripping off who?

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What cyclone does not seem to grasp here is that these companies in my opinion are not ripping people off at all.


These companies have to put clauses in place to protect themselfes because as you quite rightly said there is probably a few thousand people that would think oh the new iphone is out and i fancy that oh what a shame ive dropped my phone :loopy:


Its not all a rip off at all to me its like anything else if you use it correctly it will work for you. Would you drink 8 litres of vodka then go rally driving no? why not? because its not common sense and chances are at some point you will either kill yourself or write your car off which isnt taking reasonable preventative measures. Which in regards to a phone in a kitchen is pretty much the same kitchen equals water, steam, etc everything an electrical item does not like. So prevent the damage by not using it in there to me fonesafe have not ripped anyone off they expect you to take preventable measures which wasnt done which makes the policy void and chances are this will have been noted in the TnCs but again the consumer will not have took the time to read them.


What consumers need to do is see it from both sides of the fence not just this company wont give me a new phone? we all need to look at the bigger picture.


Re: kitchens in sheffield i know most sheffield homes have kitchens but i also know they have a living room aswell so walk through the kitchen put the phone in the living room and use it in there if needed that way preventable measures have been taken and the company has no leg to stand on equaling a replacement item.



Anyway ive made my point so i think now its time to leave it here.



From Cyclone's post, 10% of people with mobile phone insurance claim against their policies.


If 10% of car owners claimed against their policies, what do you think would happen to the premiums?


Perhaps mobile phone insurance premiums should be tripled and a 'No claims bonus' introduced?


I've had a (actually 2, I'm on my second) mobile phone [which is not insured] for 15 years. Statistically, I should've claimed 1.5 times. I've never claimed


I doubt that I'm significantly more careful with stuff than are others - nor am I amazingly lucky.


I wonder how many mobile phones are damaged in genuine accidents and how many are damaged 'because there is a new, improved model on the market and I really want one'?


'Phone Insurance rip-off'. Perhaps ... but who is ripping off who?

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Its akin to having fully comp car insurance and them refusing to pay because you has an accident but didn't forsee it!!!, there would be a major kickoff if all claims were refused on this basis, its the same with ANY insurance!!


Not exactly the same thing but if your car was nicked 'cos you left the keys in then I doubt that the insurance company would pay up..you do have to take some responsibility for your actions whether deliberate or not..

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Exactly which is what i have been trying to say for 2 days now.


Not exactly the same thing but if your car was nicked 'cos you left the keys in then I doubt that the insurance company would pay up..you do have to take some responsibility for your actions whether deliberate or not..
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What cyclone does not seem to grasp here is that these companies in my opinion are not ripping people off at all.

That doesn't seem to be what you say here


Meaning 1 if all insurance companies honoured every claim it would be very hard to make ends meet even if only 6-10% of people do claim take an example




What annoys me is people dont seem to care that these company owners still has kids and mouths to feed so no in my opinion they should not warrant every claim.

Maybe that is what you meant, that they shouldn't honour false claims (in which case I completely agree), but that isn't what you said. What you said was that if they honoured every claim then their children would go hungry.


These companies have to put clauses in place to protect themselfes because as you quite rightly said there is probably a few thousand people that would think oh the new iphone is out and i fancy that oh what a shame ive dropped my phone :loopy:


Its not all a rip off at all to me its like anything else if you use it correctly it will work for you. Would you drink 8 litres of vodka then go rally driving no? why not? because its not common sense and chances are at some point you will either kill yourself or write your car off which isnt taking reasonable preventative measures.

You think using a phone in the kitchen is the equivalent of drinking a lethal amount of alcohol and driving. You've no concept of level of risk.

Which in regards to a phone in a kitchen is pretty much the same kitchen equals water, steam, etc everything an electrical item does not like.

I asked you before how I'm supposed to get my phone out of the house. I leave through the kitchen, what am I supposed to do, pass it out of the dining room window.

My kitch is not full of water, steam or even etc (what exactly is the etc anyway) at the moment. It's a room in my house where later I'll prepare some toast, I can do that whilst on the phone at no additional risk to using it in the living room!

So prevent the damage by not using it in there to me fonesafe have not ripped anyone off they expect you to take preventable measures which wasnt done which makes the policy void and chances are this will have been noted in the TnCs but again the consumer will not have took the time to read them.


What consumers need to do is see it from both sides of the fence not just this company wont give me a new phone? we all need to look at the bigger picture.

They certainly need to look at the contract and consider whether it's reasonable or not before paying the company. I've not had phone insurance for a decade and I've never damaged a phone in that time, despite using them in whatever room I like!


Re: kitchens in sheffield i know most sheffield homes have kitchens but i also know they have a living room aswell so walk through the kitchen put the phone in the living room and use it in there if needed that way preventable measures have been taken and the company has no leg to stand on equaling a replacement item.

Maybe we could rename it a landline and attach a cord to it since it's apparently not mobile enough to travel into a kitchen.

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Not exactly the same thing but if your car was nicked 'cos you left the keys in then I doubt that the insurance company would pay up..you do have to take some responsibility for your actions whether deliberate or not..


I'd suggest that parking in the manor is the equivalent of taking your phone into the kitchen. Should your car insurance refuse to pay out because the manor has more car crime than dore?

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I'd suggest that parking in the manor is the equivalent of taking your phone into the kitchen. Should your car insurance refuse to pay out because the manor has more car crime than dore?


Maybe leaving your phone on the side of the sink is like leaving your keys in the car and expecting it to be there when you got back? :) I was really replying to Dawny who seems to think the insurance company should pay up whatever you do...

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