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The rise of the overclass

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It looks like the overclasses are about to get a slice of a Mansion Tax. GO VINCE!




Fantastic, a modern day window tax :roll:


Why not just have a wealth tax? Take a certain (small) percentage of a person's wealth (over a threshold) each year. It'd be much fairer.

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Fantastic, a modern day window tax :roll:


Why not just have a wealth tax? Take a certain (small) percentage of a person's wealth (over a threshold) each year. It'd be much fairer.


The fairest way would be simply to ban inheritance. In this way the estates of the wealthy would go to the state to benefit the people. People would truly be born equal.:)

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More businesses based on the 'John Lewis' style of co-operative would get my vote! If we all had a stake in the business in which we worked, wouldn't we want it to succeed, especially if the profits were shared in a more equal way.


I think Nick Clegg has got something right here. From his speech about it:

John Stuart Mill hoped that employee-owned firms could end what he called the ‘standing feud between capital and labour’ and liberals have been championing it ever since. Because we don’t believe our problem is too much capitalism: we think it’s that too few people have capital. We need more individuals to have a real stake in their firms.


More of a John Lewis economy, if you like.


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Polls are by and large bo118cks.


Don't we ALL know that?


As resourses dwindle due mainly to the monumental avarice of the USA, 3rd world nations are beginning to realise that their leaders are in the pockets of iniquitous corporations; faceless untouchables who pull the strings of menial puppet politicians.


Don't we ALL know that?


You 'aint seen nuthin yet - wrap your babies well - dark clouds are gathering. cosy up to America if you have the dosh requirements to join their club - reality is coming to get you.


Be aware though, that should you knock the activities of these 'people' too vociferously you will be considered an Enemy of the State - they may well be monitoring your internet activities as we speak - better log off quick.


How many of you are actually DOING something - other than pouring scorn on those who ARE doing something?

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Equality is about more than just money. It's about power and influence too. Without friends in the right places it's difficult to get a foothold in a great many walks of life.


Croneyism is rife.


Some people are only just waking up to the fact, and realising just what a blatent lie it was when Cameron had the cheek to claim 'We're all in this together.'


Not only a lie, but a measure of his contempt for the people he governs to think they would be stupid enough to fall for it. He' must be so regretting it now.

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More businesses based on the 'John Lewis' style of co-operative would get my vote! If we all had a stake in the business in which we worked, wouldn't we want it to succeed, especially if the profits were shared in a more equal way.


I think Nick Clegg has got something right here. From his speech about it:



I completely agree here. Im looking forward to the final wording on this bill. Winner by Clegg by a country mile.

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Fantastic, a modern day window tax :roll:


Why not just have a wealth tax? Take a certain (small) percentage of a person's wealth (over a threshold) each year. It'd be much fairer.


How many people do you know in a house worth more than £2 million up north?

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Interesting article from Peter Oborne in the Daily Telegraph.




Trouble is does it really matter what Clegg, Cameron and Co think?


When it comes to Big Business, Corporations etc. Cameron/Clegg have no control over them as has been proved by the Bankers fiasco.

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