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The rise of the overclass

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If ones wealth dies with them it is NOT stealing. If the estate is taken by the state for the good of the people it IS creating equality. If your contention is that it would be stealing the inheritance from the family I would very strongly disagree. The family did not create the wealth and so should not benefit from it any more than anyone else in the country should.

I am talking about true equality here.

We need to get right away from the idea that if your mummy is rich, so will you be mentality.

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What has it got to do with the State? You can choose to do what you want with the things that belong to you. The State doesn't own you. You don't work for the State. You've got to be a bit messed up to think otherwise.


Every attempt by states to own citizens has always resulted in mass oppression, poverty, hunger and ultimately bloodshed and overthrow of the regime. Don't you understand this?

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The present system creates inequality by its very nature. The son of a millionaire can get through life without doing any work whatsoever and will still have a vast fortune to leave to any children that he may have. To create equality we need to break this cycle. The present system has produced riots and demonstrations in the recent past. We need to drastically limit inheritance NOW for the good of ALL the people. The politicians are talking about creating a fair society. Here I have the answer in a nutshell.

I really am bemused as to why you find this so difficult to understand.

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To dismiss my very serious and well thought out opinions in such a flippant manner is a very obvious indication that you have lost the argument.

If you would like to debate the points in an adult manner please do so, otherwise shut up.


Your proposal is notionally sound Mercurian - and congratulations on your decision to put this lame-brain straight. He does have serious issues to discuss but they are more to do with his mental condition than anything else.

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I can assure you we are not sniggering in Europe Buck. We are very afraid.

But what you need to realise, is that your gap between rich and poor is bigger than ours, and the worry is, we keep on following you. This we need to stop.

I never worried too much about the gap between the rich and the lesser rich if the wealth was based on inventiveness and enterprise. If the others got very rich and made me have enough for a decent life, good luck to them. Supernerd Bill Gates or Sir Richard Branson come to mind. Henry Ford did not invent the car. He just made it possible for people like you and I to have the freedom to have a car. You're quite right you have a smaller gap than us in Europe, but don't you think the sense of entitlement in Europe is driving the value lf the Euro into the ground and all of us with it. Not enough coming in from taxes to pay for all the bills. Too many jobs going Far East.
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