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Who had a talking Budgie ?


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Thinking back to the fifties,it seemed like every home had a budgie cage in the corner ..

We had one and I spent hours in front of that cage trying to get little Joey to talk, but I never got he/she ( Nobody was ever 100% certain what sex their Budgie was ) to uttered one blooming word,in fact I don't know anyone else that did either.

Mind you he/she did use too whistle a lot, and in the days before we had a TV. the most exciting times of the week indoors were when we let Him /Her out..

It was safe enough as long as you remembered to shut all the windows, have a towel by you to get he/she back in the cage,and wear a hat ...


I just wondered, did anybody ever manage to get theirs to talk ?

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We've had Ozzie the Budgie for 6 years ..he talks like a Good 'Un .. eg : Eigh Narden ..Gerruz a pint ...Up the owls..Bugger off ..Budgerigar ..Excuse me ..Ozzie the Budgie ....Giuz a kiss ..Love you ...Bullsh*t ..are just a few things he regularly says ..:hihi:

Whilst i was in the kitchen one night , Ozzie was in the lounge and Football Heaven was on the Radio ..it was around the time when Tommy Spurr had left Sheff Wed .....Ozzie flew into the Kitchen and landed on my shoulder and said 'Great eh mate ..come on Tommy '..i couldn't believe what i was hearing .. A Budgie repeating what he'd heard on the Radio only moments earlier .. :)

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My Sparkie used to talk....what yer doin, hello Sparkie, gis a kiss etc......he died a couple of years ago though. We still refer to the corner where his cage was as Sparkies corner. Oh and his cage was very rarely closed, just came and went as he pleased. I do miss him.

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My Sparkie used to talk....what yer doin, hello Sparkie, gis a kiss etc......he died a couple of years ago though. We still refer to the corner where his cage was as Sparkies corner. Oh and his cage was very rarely closed, just came and went as he pleased. I do miss him.


Same with 'Oz the Budge' ..even when we go to bed , his cage is left open and when we come downstairs around 6:30 every weekday morning, he's always in the window looking onto the road .. :)

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Not a budgie but, when we lived (briefly) in Barnsley the local GP had a miner bird which had been left to him by a deceased miner. He sounded just like an old miner with the cough, wolf whistles and the blue language, not many people sat in the waiting room because it was too emabarrassing especially if you had children with you.

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We had a 2 male budgies at seperate times....the first, Joey, was very quiet and never talked, but his successor, Pip never shut up! He would say things like "hello Pip", "toodle-pip", the usual! But he also copied the dog haha. He would bark and growl, call the dog and whistle for her; they had a love-hate relationship and Pip was definately the boss of the two! He was a lovely bird, although VERY stubborn. He definately 'ruled the roost' hehe xx

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We had a budgie called Joey and he was a great talker. His cage door was left open and he used to perch high on the mantlepiece. I remember once we had visitors and when mom put the salad on the table joey flew down and had a bath in it with lettuce leaves going everywhere. We had a saladless dinner that night.

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