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Who had a talking Budgie ?


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I remember as a child my grandad having a green budgie called Joey. He never talked though. Next door 2 us they had a blue budgie called Peter and that was really talkative. So I'm wondering if it's the males who are the talkative ones. We never actually knew the sex of ours.

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  • 6 months later...

Back in the 1970's, my Auntie Nellie, a fanatical Owls supporter, had her house painted blue and white. Then, just in case the message didn't get across, she got a blue, white and black budgie, called it Tommy Craig and taught it to say "Up the Owls" when anyone came into the house.

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Were all budgies in the fifties called Joey and Peter? We had a blue one called Peter too . He was a good little talker . He'd say "What yer do do doing " and " Where's M......." ( my name ) "Gone to School?" I can remember he had a little ball with a bell in it that he drove us nuts ringing and a little plastic budgie on a spring for a friend . Does anyone remember why the cages has sandpaper sheets in the bottom ? I never got that myself .

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Reading this thread remided me of the war years. My uncle and auntie had a budgie, it was called 'Perkie' or 'Perky' it could talk for the Olympics. I know it used to say 'Gimme an A',(my uncle was a musician), but when old Hitler started dropping his bombs in the blitz they left P in the house and everyone else got into the shelter. We didn't get any damage, but old 'Perks' didn't gob off for a three week after that. God rest his little soul.

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Reading this thread remided me of the war years. My uncle and auntie had a budgie, it was called 'Perkie' or 'Perky' it could talk for the Olympics. I know it used to say 'Gimme an A',(my uncle was a musician), but when old Hitler started dropping his bombs in the blitz they left P in the house and everyone else got into the shelter. We didn't get any damage, but old 'Perks' didn't gob off for a three week after that. God rest his little soul.
many years ago afriend of mine found a budgie fluttering in the gutter so she took it home and has she had a cage in the house set it up in her lounge and advertised in the local shops , this budgie only ever said georgi so we thought that is name no one claimed him and one day has my friend had a baby vicar came to see her about the christening so she took him front room and at the sight of the dog collor dear georgi suddenly new swear words of a not repeatable nature ,she had to cover it up after that when visitors called just in case they upset him but she did keep it till one day it fell off its perch j
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My wife and I have had quite a few budgies - all of which have been good talkers.

For those who have a budgie now or are thinking of getting one.....if you want a talker then its best to buy a male bird.

How to tell its sex: the bit above its beak is called a ' Cere ' if its brown then its a female, if its blue its a male.


We have a budgie at the moment who we call Joey, and have had him for going on 11 years

( in human years he is 111 years old ), looking at him you wouldn't think he was as old as that, he has always been a good talker and did have a good vocabulary until very recently when he had a couple of little strokes....now lost his ability to talk but still fairly active despite loosing some use on his left side.


If you want your budgie to talk, then give him plenty of Love, attention and be patient,

once he has latched on to the sound of your voice, he will try to copy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a budgie for years, just keep a cover over them @ night and in the morning while the cover is still on the cage say a few words and he will soon pick up what you say. Ozzie was his name, he used to say morning when you took the cover off and how are you to-day, nursery rhymes and the names of all the grandchildren plus a few un mentionables my husband swore he hadn't taught him. Much loved and much missed both Ozzie and my husband.

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While giving HER MAJESTY some pleasure in HMP Wakefield early 70s I was in a dorm with three others one who bread budgies I saw a batch hatching and had one. On my release My MUM and uncle collected MICKY the day before and took him home I had warned my MUM about his colorful language which can only be described as worse than the workplace needless to say both my aunt and uncle stayed a while to hear Micky say his first words YOU GUESSED nothing happend MUM says within half an hour of them leaving MICKY started his repertoire another aunt was a big church goer and brought the vicar to listen to the swearing bird which he gladly performed and also left him with a teeny ( a teeny bit of sh*t on his shoulder Micky lived to a GRAND old age of 17yrs TRUE 17yrs for a budgie I believe is unheard of can anyone better that one all I can say he was a true jail bird but gave anyone who witnessed him hours of amusement RIP MICKY you BLUE & WHITE BAST*RD.

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