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Dog attacks girl, 6

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oh medusa, oh oh oh -


you're resorting to diversionary tactics - the fact is that certain breeds of dog were bred for power, jaw strength and aggression and unless you've other than on planet earth you know which they are - the question is why 'people' choose those breeds - in my view it's because they are personally/sexually inadequate - discuss.


there may have been incidents where a little softy has caused injury, but the danger comes from certain types of dog that were bred for aggressiion and jaw strength - we both know that.


remember that a child is severely injured in a hospital somewhere down south and have the dignity to consider your opinions on that basis


I am a 'person' who owns a bull breed and she was chosen for me because she was the only dog suitable for a first-time dog owner at the rescue centre I got her from - being non-neurotic and non-aggressive and already well-trained by whoever her previous owner was.


I wasn't aware that having her was anything to do with my personal or sexual inadequacy. Do enlighten me, frank. Do you think I have her to make my penis look bigger? Or because I've got some kind of class-based chip on my shoulder? Is having a dog that constantly wags her tail at everyone she meets a sign that I need to find other ways to channel my aggression?


Fascinating stuff, this. Where fascinating means ridiculous.

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So the 'safe breeds' would include Dachunds and Border Collies presumably, according to your definition. Yet the last time I checked the stats they were 2 of the breeds most likely to bite. A small Border Collie, or a standard Dachund would be more than capable of inflicting serious damage on a child.


Oh and there's no need to be so cocky Frank, particularly when you don't appear to know what you're talking about.


PS excuse the spelling of Dachund, I know it's not right but can't be arsed to Google it right now.


I'm not 'cocky' newbiz - I'm furious, a 6 year old child has been physically and emotionally scarred cos some **** chose to own a 'bull terrier' that went on to attack her - if the child was attacked by a paedophile and suffered similar injuries , you wouldn't be answering the furious response by calling people 'cocky' would you?


I don't care if you can't spell daschund, but I do care that the dangerous breeds fraternity don't give a toss about the injuries to the child, but become defensive about the threat to their 'right' their right to own these dangerous freaks

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How would you muzzling your dog stop some idiot taking his aggressive dog out and it biting someone?


What is so hard to understand!?


I am saying I think it should be made illegal for dogs to be walked without a muzzle and that I am prepared to muzzle my dog if new laws were introduced! Also I think more people should be for it so EVERYONE has to muzzle their dogs, then this won't happen.

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no no no - it won't be 'put to sleep' - it will be 'killed' it isn't going to nighty nighty sleepy land to dream of big bones- it's going to dead - and that's because it mauled a child and left her with physical and psychological injuries which will affect the course of her life.


the scumbag who owned it chose to have a powerful, aggressive dog and carries responsibility for that, as does any other idiot who thinks akitas, pitbulls, ridgebacks etc are house pets - they aren't.


when someone's thinking of getting a dog, why do they choose these? what's lacking in them that needs to be filled by a dangerous, potentially lethal creature - my view is that a dog of this kind is simply a response to an inadequate personality tainted by a macho view of themself that nature hasn't fulfilled.


Put to sleep, killed, destroyed or euthanised really is unimportant and I'm not arguing trivial points neither will i debate on the personality of someone I don't know or his reasons for having the dog.

As for me, i base my choice on whether or not i like a dog or not, it has nothing to do with street credibility and you're misguided for believing that this is the case with everyone.


As i said before I do not know all there is to know about each breed but I do endeavour to learn and understand them to see behind the 'media' view which has definitely helped with working in kennels with them. I know whereas you do not that all those that you see as a weapon are all capable of showing affection.

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I'm not 'cocky' newbiz - I'm furious, a 6 year old child has been physically and emotionally scarred cos some **** chose to own a 'bull terrier' that went on to attack her - if the child was attacked by a paedophile and suffered similar injuries , you wouldn't be answering the furious response by calling people 'cocky' would you?


I don't care if you can't spell daschund, but I do care that the dangerous breeds fraternity don't give a toss about the injuries to the child, but become defensive about the threat to their 'right' their right to own these dangerous freaks


The ref to 'cocky' was your little jibe along the lines of 'keep up matey it's not rocket science' which was uncalled for I thought.


I personally don't own a dog, so I'm not defending my right to do so.


Finally you haven't responded to what I said in reply to your talking about 'safe breeds' A Daschund or a Collie could do untold damage to a child, but they weren't bred for jaw strength, aggression etc so I don't see how your arguement holds water?

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I am a 'person' who owns a bull breed and she was chosen for me because she was the only dog suitable for a first-time dog owner at the rescue centre I got her from - being non-neurotic and non-aggressive and already well-trained by whoever her previous owner was.


I wasn't aware that having her was anything to do with my personal or sexual inadequacy. Do enlighten me, frank. Do you think I have her to make my penis look bigger? Or because I've got some kind of class-based chip on my shoulder? Is having a dog that constantly wags her tail at everyone she meets a sign that I need to find other ways to channel my aggression?


Fascinating stuff, this. Where fascinating means ridiculous.


so someone said that the only 'suitable' dog was a bull terrier?


who was this person? - are they medicated, if so why not?


if you are male, yes I think that the attraction to a powerful dog is based on inadequacy - I really don't believe that anyone told you that a bull terrier (like the one that maimed a child yesterday) was the only option, I think you've fibbed there.

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oh medusa, oh oh oh -


you're resorting to diversionary tactics - the fact is that certain breeds of dog were bred for power, jaw strength and aggression and unless you've other than on planet earth you know which they are - the question is why 'people' choose those breeds - in my view it's because they are personally/sexually inadequate - discuss.


there may have been incidents where a little softy has caused injury, but the danger comes from certain types of dog that were bred for aggressiion and jaw strength - we both know that.


remember that a child is severely injured in a hospital somewhere down south and have the dignity to consider your opinions on that basis


Exactly where have I stated that I don't have some regard for the poor child who is lying in a hospital? Please read my posts earlier in the thread where I have stated repeatedly that if my dog was responsible for harming a human being then that would be my responsibility and I would see to it myself that the dog was destroyed.


However, whether one individual dog 200 miles away bites a human is outside my control, so I was answering a specific point about all dogs being muzzled as a result of this.


My dog is one of the breeds with a very high power bite and I take full responsibility for her in every part of our life together. Right now she is lying in bed with one of my cats and one of the foster kittens, who she has just washed and put in bed with her big and powerful jaws (without waking the kitten up).


If there are 10 million dogs in this country and an attack similar to this comes to the attention of the press every month then that's maybe 50 dogs a year (allowing for the ones that the press doesn't hear about) that get put to sleep because of attacking a child. Isn't it rather a huge degree of overkill to muzzle 10,000,000 dogs because of the 50 who attack?

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What is so hard to understand!?


I am saying I think it should be made illegal for dogs to be walked without a muzzle and that I am prepared to muzzle my dog if new laws were introduced! Also I think more people should be for it so EVERYONE has to muzzle their dogs, then this won't happen.


It’s illegal for many things but it doesn't stop the people that have no respect for the law breaking the law. Guns are safe in the right hands and banning them doesn’t stop criminal using them. So my dog having to wear a muzzle wouldn’t stop someone else taking their dog out without a muzzle.

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The ref to 'cocky' was your little jibe along the lines of 'keep up matey it's not rocket science' which was uncalled for I thought.


I personally don't own a dog, so I'm not defending my right to do so.


Finally you haven't responded to what I said in reply to your talking about 'safe breeds' A Daschund or a Collie could do untold damage to a child, but they weren't bred for jaw strength, aggression etc so I don't see how your arguement holds water?


no it couldn't, a daschund is not physically capable of 'untold damage', neither is a mouse - it could give a nasty bite, so could a collie - but in this case, a bull terrier launched a sustained attacK on a child - it multiply bit her on the face, neck and shoulder and bit her ear off and you don't give monkey's do you?

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It’s illegal for many things but it doesn't stop the people that have no respect for the law breaking the law. Guns are safe in the right hands and banning them doesn’t stop criminal using them. So my dog having to wear a muzzle wouldn’t stop someone else taking their dog out without a muzzle.


Yes I know that but it does lessen it all. If people are caught taking their dogs out without a muzzle, they should be taken from them. It doesn't hurt to try, does it.

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