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Is It Illegal To Shoot Squirrels??

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  • 3 weeks later...

oh my god!! what is wrong with you. they are the cutest little creatures and are so intelligent. Please instead of hating them just watch how clever they are. You can set them tasks to find nuts and they will get to them. They are wild animals and need food just like the birds. please dont hurt the little thing it is only hungry in the cold weather.

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It depends on how many squirrels you've got. - Rats are also 'cute little creatures and quite intelligent'. - That doesn't mean they're welcome in my attic.


Squirrels - like rats and a number of other small wild creatures - carry (and can infect you with) Leptospirosis and Salmonella.


As you say, hboo, squirrels are wild animals. They do NOT need humans to feed them.


If you put out food for squirrels, you are making a problem for yourself and your neighbours.

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Squirrels are a problem where I live. There are predators (though perhaps not quite enough.) If people don't feed the squirrels, the problem is fairly small, but when they do (and some idiots do feed them - in spite of having been asked not to feed wildlife) then the problem soon becomes large. They are pretty good at getting into attics, they crap all over the place when they do and they are also fairly destructive.


There is a great deal of wildlife where I live. Some of it is fairly tame (Sand hill Cranes don't bother to get out of your way unless they think you are going to walk on them ;)) other creatures are not so tame. People are requested not to feed the wildlife (they do a pretty good job of feeding themselves).

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