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Is It Illegal To Shoot Squirrels??

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Grey squirrels eat seeds, buds, flowers, shoots, nuts, berries and fruit from many trees and shrubs. They also eat fungi and insects, and occasionally birds’ eggs and fledglings. They will stip bark from trees during the summer months.


Squirrels are broadly considered vegetarian. You are stating that these Squirrels are 'pests' because they are eating their natural Diet? :huh:


Birds eggs and Fledglings are 'last resort' food for starving Squirrels, the same as a Human may turn cannibal when starving. Cats eat birds for fun but its inherent in their nature... do you propose that we start shooting Cats for behaving according to their nature?

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Squirrels are broadly considered vegetarian. You are stating that these Squirrels are 'pests' because they are eating their natural Diet? :huh:


Birds eggs and Fledglings are 'last resort' food for starving Squirrels, the same as a Human may turn cannibal when starving. Cats eat birds for fun but its inherent in their nature... do you propose that we start shooting Cats for behaving according to their nature?


It's no use being in denial Mr. Squirrel your days are numbered, see my link on page one,

old tup has you in his sights.

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"Is It Illegal To Shoot Squirrels??"



Reds are protected - not to be killed by any means.


Greys are not an indigenous specis and were imported here. They are larger and more aggressive than our native Red and as such are killing the Reds off.




More urban mythology.


Greys are indeed not indigenous to the UK and they are larger than the Red but thats where the truths in your post end regarding the Red/Grey issue.

Reds are indeed protected and must not be killed under any means but they are being killed off by deforestation and destruction of their natural habitat by man along with a disease at the turn of the century that near wiped the Red out. Red were also hunted by man for many years and is why the myth that the greys are more aggressive came popular. In fact, Greys are simply more confident when it comes to interaction with humans as humans have not been any natural cause for threat, whereas Reds are more timid and scared of humans. Greys are surviving Reds due to their natural robustness and their foraging techniques. Greys will forage at ground level where Reds are reluctant to do so. There is no evidence that Greys are aggressive to Reds whatsoever and there are many examples where Greys and Reds coexist happily although interspecies breeding is almost non existant.


Hope that clarifies things.

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It's illegal to release a grey squirrel once you've caught it.



Quite true but also you have to be very careful as to how you dipatch it once caught- a bloke caught one alive and dropped the whole cage/animal in to a water bosch- he was successfully prosecuted and fined £1500..


no only red ones which are prtected the same as the very rare black squirel of which there only about 200 left in the wildbut why would you want to kill squirels unless your gonna eat them, like they say with some meat it does actualy taste like chicken but dont eat one if your ellergic to nuts


Yes, only the reds are protected but the greys cannot be legally released on these shores..


No lets just kill it and eat it I've a very powerful 1.77 gas powered rifle what would defo kill it LET'S AV IT:hihi:


WOWSER!!!! 1.77cal (45mm), mine are much smaller calibres of .177 (4.5mm):D


How do you suppose Squirrels regard Humans?

Think of all the damage and destruction mankind has done to their natural habitat. Squirrels and other wildlife would have more natural places to live if Humans didnt destroy this habitat to make way for crap housing estates.


Squirrels would much rather live in a tree than in somebodys loft space. We have Squirrels in our garden and they nest in a large nearby Oak tree despite being surrounded by Houses. Perhaps if people stopped chopping down trees for stupid reasons like 'to make their gardens brighter'.. then the Squirrels may have more favourable places to live than in your loft with the Xmas trimmings.


As for Squirrels carrying disease - Urban myth.


The trouble is that they were living happily in North America whilst we were destrying the forrests here for living space :confused:


Squirrels are broadly considered vegetarian. You are stating that these Squirrels are 'pests' because they are eating their natural Diet? :huh:


Birds eggs and Fledglings are 'last resort' food for starving Squirrels, the same as a Human may turn cannibal when starving. Cats eat birds for fun but its inherent in their nature... do you propose that we start shooting Cats for behaving according to their nature?



Load of Tosh i'm afraid, we have loads of the little horrors here, i've seen them eat all sorts (chicken legs, I even saw one gnawing at a jawbone from some animal or other :mad: )

We're infested with them around my house and the only reason that I don't thin them out is that it will cause arguments with our lass:rant::rant:


I have been doing bonsai for years and these things have killed more of my trees than any amount of bad weather due to them digging peanuts into the compost and digging them out of the dishes :rant:




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Plenty of humans are worst than pests. They kill complete strangers for fun without any intention of eating their prey, do you think we're more advanced than squirrels?:D:love:


No, but the likelyhood of a human getting into my loft, chewing through cables and starting an electrical fire that insurance companys wont pay out far is pretty slim, dont you think?

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