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Is It Illegal To Shoot Squirrels??

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It is quite possible to kill them humanely in exactly the same way as one would dispatch a chicken/duck/guinea fowl.


As to how would squirrels regard us. Sorry no comparison a squirrel has a very small brain humans have very large brains although many act as though they have very small brains. A squirrel would simply see us as either a threat or not a threat.

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Our cat gets um no messing,she got one the other day it came down our path and she got it before it even got to the tree,I did feel a bit sorry for it as they do look cute little things with there bushy tail and all,but they are classed as vermin I think, bet you would get in a bit of trouble letting a gun off round our neighborhood,the swat team and the helicopter would be out strait away.

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Load of Tosh i'm afraid, we have loads of the little horrors here, i've seen them eat all sorts (chicken legs, I even saw one gnawing at a jawbone from some animal or other :mad: )

We're infested with them around my house and the only reason that I don't thin them out is that it will cause arguments with our lass:rant::rant:


I can only imagine then that you have some rare breed of Hannibal Lecter Squirrels living in your area. Dont fall asleep sunbathing next summer. :D

As for your missus... Put your foot down man. Tell her its either her or the Squirrels that have to go. Good luck. :D


I have been doing bonsai for years and these things have killed more of my trees than any amount of bad weather due to them digging peanuts into the compost and digging them out of the dishes :rant:




Squirrels have been burying Peanuts since long before you started playing with Bonsai trees. May i suggest something like a greenhouse?

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I can only imagine then that you have some rare breed of Hannibal Lecter Squirrels living in your area. Dont fall asleep sunbathing next summer. :D

As for your missus... Put your foot down man. Tell her its either her or the Squirrels that have to go. Good luck. :D


If I said that she'd probably cut my throat in my sleep:o:hihi:




Squirrels have been burying Peanuts since long before you started playing with Bonsai trees. May i suggest something like a greenhouse?


Got two Greenhouses where I house my Deciduous trees over winter but the high winds a few weeks ago has trashed them, they're more like a wind tunnel now :roll:



Biggsy :)

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Our cat gets um no messing,she got one the other day it came down our path and she got it before it even got to the tree,I did feel a bit sorry for it as they do look cute little things with there bushy tail and all,but they are classed as vermin I think, bet you would get in a bit of trouble letting a gun off round our neighborhood,the swat team and the helicopter would be out strait away.


What an excellent cat you have, as stated earlier on this thread somewhere it is actually illegal to release a grey squirrel back into the wild. To many this might be a rock and a hard place and what one might see as humane another might not. I recall in my youth that people would think nothing of drowning newly born kittens in a bucket of water.


Perspective here folks a rather grand old lady that I know was one of the first nursing sisters in the country. She once told me about the hospital that she worked in doing late abortions on young women, the foetus/child was delivered alive but was seen as non-viable it was therefore put in a surgical bucket with other dying babies to be disposed of in an incinerator, this in a time when there were no neonatal facilities and 24 weekers were seen as having no chance of surviving.

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