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Is It Illegal To Shoot Squirrels??

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The Grey squirrels are not natural to this country and like most foreigners the are only here to take advantage of the system, they should send them all back.:)



Dont injure it or it will be taking advantage of our health care system.

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Just out of interest, MissC, how many chicken/duck/guinea fowls have you personally 'dispatched'?


If so, how? (Details would be good)


So many that I have lost count I'm afraid. I used to have a small holding on which I reared ducks, geese, chickens, quail, guinea fowl, and sheep.


Some went to a local abbatoir some I dispatched myself. I tended to take the sheep and geese to the slaughterhouse as dispatching them humanely was difficult in situ. Small and local abbatoires meant that I could see the animals in and count them out.


The rest were killed on site. Breaking a chickens neck is not a difficult thing the same can be said for duck and guinea fowl, quail as you can imagine are very easy. None of this is to say that I enjoyed the job only that as a meat eater, having reared them and seen them live a good life I was prepared to give them a good death.


Eventually I invested in 2 'humane dispatchers' I will post a link once this is posted, due to the sheer numbers that I was dealing with especially at Christmas, when I was also dealing with rabbits.


At the most I had a flock of 100 chickens and a smaller flock of pure breeds numbering 20 or so. Geese there were 40, sheep the number varied on the number of lambs produced , guinea fowl the flock was small being only 12 as they were not particularly popular.


If there is anything else that you would like to know about my killing methods and the smallholding please feel free to PM me.



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I haven't read all posts so someone else may have said same but, It will only be illegal if a pellet leaves the boundaries of your property so always ensure you have a solid back stop so the pellet cant travel further then your target.

I would put bait in the middle of the garden but make it hard for it to grab and run away with it so it stays still for longer (tether the monkey nuts down somehow) i would try for a head shot from above the target so the pellet stays on your land.

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I haven't read all posts so someone else may have said same but, It will only be illegal if a pellet leaves the boundaries of your property so always ensure you have a solid back stop so the pellet cant travel further then your target.

I would put bait in the middle of the garden but make it hard for it to grab and run away with it so it stays still for longer (tether the monkey nuts down somehow) i would try for a head shot from above the target so the pellet stays on your land.


Now at last a sensible post ' tether your nuts down somehow'... Snigger.

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The argument that they kill wild birds ect is a good one but so do cats... :D


I have killed numerous squirrels and even took my sons out dispatching them when they were young, just to understand death a little more and to give them some practice with their air guns. Now they have grown up a bit they are more interested in clay shooting but there's a big difference in price from a tin of 500 pellets to a box of cartridges :(


If they are being a nuisance then kill them, if not they can be quite fun to watch. I have never ate Squirrel but only because it seems a lot of messing about for such little meat.

I think rabbit is a mess about for what you get, so skinning a squirrel for a skewers full of meat seems pointless. Im up for trying it though if anyone is offering to cook me a bit ;)

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Now at last a sensible post ' tether your nuts down somehow'... Snigger.


I,ve done some things in my time but I,ve never had my nuts tethered,I,ve had em kicked,I,ve had em cuddled but tied up I don,t like the sound of that!.Back to the post I think I,ll give the squirrel a reprieve so its down to the fishing tackle shop to purchase a catapult to give him a sore arse!.:roll::confused:

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I saw a couple of pure black squirrels the other day.Very strange.




There are a lot of Melanistic animals in the wild, apparently the black squirrels are larger that the normal grey and can be very aggressive towards other males, thought to be due to higher testosterone levels ;)



Cheers, Biggsy :)

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