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The Queen is Delighted

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Well unfortunately its been around for centuries. Time to get over it.
That argument is completely and utterly worthless.


Would have said the same thing about:







We need to continually work to make the world a better place.


Its one of the few things that make england different
By 'different' do you mean 'pretty similar to loads other countries' such as Norway, Denmark, Monaco, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Thailand, Japan, Luxembourg, and many more?


and it certainly has done us no harm so far. If it did, why does the rest of the world take such a hysterical interest in the royals. (See viewing figures for royal wedding)

(See amount of people on the streets when queen visited ireland) (See amount of people who flock to London each year to look at all things royal).

argument ad populum proves nothing except that something is popular.
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What do you think MPs do all day?

What about the Prime Minister?

What about Judges?



I have no doubt that all of these people work harder than the Queen. The first three groups have to make difficult decisions and footballers are professional athletes, that's hard work whatever you think of their attitudes and salaries.

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I think most people would find Royal Duties, a right royal pain in the backside. Tedium heaped upon tedium from what I can see.


Plenty of people do jobs that could be described as tedium heaped upon tedium, however they aren't quite as well remunerated for the tedium are they?

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Plenty of people do jobs that could be described as tedium heaped upon tedium, however they aren't quite as well remunerated for the tedium are they?


Indeed they are not, nor was I intimating they were. I was replying to an earlier post which suggested that Royal Duties were easy. My view is they aren't easy.

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How the hell do you know. Its enough work for someone who is 85 years old and has been stuck with the same thing since 1953. What do you do that's "real work" and so vital to the state?


What do you think MPs do all day?

What about the Prime Minister?

What about Judges?




So you found some more scroungers and the only thing in her favour is that she has had to endure more years than I've been alive with Prince Philip and for that she deserves a medal

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Only last year baying mobs were chasing after some of the royals, shouting 'off with their heads'. The royals managed to get away.


They won't always be so fortunate.


not in our boozer...cheap beer and free food....they would have been mullared...within an inch....dirty rotten scoundrels...:hihi::hihi:

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I have no doubt that all of these people work harder than the Queen. The first three groups have to make difficult decisions and footballers are professional athletes, that's hard work whatever you think of their attitudes and salaries.


I was with you there until you said footballers were professional athletes. They are actually grossly overpaid, underachieving ballerinas with an ego the size of America and a brain the size of one of Jimmy Carters peanuts

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