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The Queen is Delighted

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If she had any sense of shame, or of duty, she would choose this moment to resign, and take her inbred bunch of ragtags to the USA where they love them.


We could then move into the modern era and become a republic with a decent sysyem of governmnet.


If all the Saxe Coburg Gothas are useful for is a tourist attraction, then they are waste of money.

I have never seen one of them in 60 years, and have never been to one of their fortresses for about 50 years.

They are useless, idle wasters, and a drain on my pocket.

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I was with you there until you said footballers were professional athletes. They are actually grossly overpaid, underachieving ballerinas with an ego the size of America and a brain the size of one of Jimmy Carters peanuts


But at least they don't receive any monies from the public purse.

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Maybe she should mark the jubilee by donating a few millions to some worthy cause like a new hospital for children with cancer or some other institution dedicated to the betterment of the human condition.


Will that happen? Dont hold your breath. No doubt a lot of her pile is safely tucked away in that tax haven Utopia the Caymen islands alongside Mitt Romney's stash. :D

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Isn't that being a tad optimistic Rich ? :nod:


Nope, it's Patriotic, after all, even when the current Queen dies, eventually Kate Middleton will become Queen, with Prince William at her side as King.

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If the cap fits, wear it. Just saying ... :)


A lifetime of enduring 'Royal duties' selflessly, equates to 'doing nothing' in your book? I have the greatest admiration for any octogenarian that conducts herself as she does. Anyway, people enjoy the celebrations, stop moaning and organise a street party, you might even enjoy it.


I used to be a great advocate of dispensing with hereditary privilege when I was young but the older I get the more I come to realise that the concept of 'nobless oblige' is a valuable one. If we had more of it, maybe the rise of the feral rich wouldn't be quite so troubling?


Very noble of you ruby, and if HM ever gets tired of Prince Philip he can stay with me and he'd keep me amused for hours;)

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