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Karate, kick-boxing, jujitsu, self-defence, fitness training.


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We train in a system of mixed japanese martial arts for practical self-defence called Cobu (combined bujutsu) mostly drawing from karate and taijutsu

Cobu teaches:


Defensive counters against:

Straight punch from front

swinging punch from front

grab and punch

grab from behind

head lock

knife stab

knife slash

knife downward stab

knife to throat from front and behind

knife to stomach

gun to front

gun from behind

baseball bat or stick weapon from swing and from thrust

Other training:

grappling on floor


countering takedowns

arm locks

wrist locks

stand up sparring (kickboxing)

mixed sparring striking and takedowns

group sparring/multiple opponents

escaping/evading multiple attackers

choking/strangling techniques and counters

kenjutsu fencing

tantojutsu knife fighting

jojutsu staff fighting

kusarijutsu flexible weapon techniques


fitness training

body conditioning

mental focus training

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Hi guys, is their a club that teaches, karate, akida and ju jitsu. Used to do it when i was younger and wanting to get back into it..


We use techniques and training methods drawn from all of those, strikes are mostly Karate, wrist and arm locks etc are same as used in Aikido and we also train in groundfighting like Jujitsu.

There are other clubs that do jujitsu and BJJ in Sheffield too and I believe at least one that combines Aikido and Karate specifically.

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Ok chefkicker, thanks for invite.


You are more than welcome to come down and train with as well as spar with my Champions at the AFK Kickboxing club.

Best days for sparring are mondays @7pm , or Fridays@730pm.

See you there if you ever make it


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Hey guys, just posting to express my opinion on this club as I did Traditional Karate as a kid and started training with Andy a year ago.


Its a good blend of traditional japanese martial arts and modern practical self-defence, we do a lot of sparring which i've always loved but also a lot of drills which are for making good habits and learning good technique. and finally we also do quite a lot of fitness and strength training exercises which is great because its a lot more fun and easier with people.


the people who train are great, and like Andy has said we have more dojo space now so there are more members coming every week



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